Chapter 12

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Hey! Yay! I'm updating!!
Did you know writing fluff actually is harder than you think? Well it is, :)
Enjoy this chapter

Hiccup couldn't take much more of this teasing. He dug his nails into Jack's back and whined.

Although he was smaller than Jack, he flipped him onto his back and slid himself into his lover. Jack moaned,  arched his back, and curled his toes.
"H-Hiccup!" He shouted. It echoed slightly, he clasped his hands over his mouth to keep from shouting. Hiccup moved himself up and down on the white haired boy. His breathing became heavier as his pace quickened.
"Hiccup," he panted, "I-I'm close"
Hiccup didn't respond through words though, instead, he slammed himself into Jack. Jack cried out into his hand and came. Hiccup threw his head back in pleasure and bit his lower lip to keep himself from moaning out.
Hiccup lifted himself off of his lover and flopped down next to him. He coved his eyes with the bend of his arm and sighed.
"Hiccup?" Jack whispered after some time of silence.
"Will you go out with me?"

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