Chapter 39

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3rd person POV

Around noon the hospital released Jack from the hospital. The Haddock family picked him up then went out for lunch.
A simple lunch, Subway.
Jack devoured his sub in about 7 minutes. The hospital food wasn't all too filling.
After lunch they returned home. Hiccup and Jack headed up to their room and discuss what happened in more detail.
"I'll leave off from where I stopped with the police," Jack started, "so after I heard the sirens, he continued to pound into me. I saw a small head peak up in the window of the building. There was a small baseball cap on this person's head. That person must've been the one to call. I have to find this person and thank them."
Hiccup nodded took the white haired male's hand in his.
"Let's go find this person...together."


"I think I did the right thing." I thought as I walked down the street. My hands were shoved in my pockets of my old, too small for me, green sweater.
I can't stop seeing that scene in my mind.
A tall man with black hair and a smaller pale boy with white hair. The smaller one was naked and shouting "stop!" I figured out right away that he was being raped.
Knowing that experience myself, I felt a stabbing pain in my heart called sympathy. I pulled my flip phone out of my pocket and dialed 911.

Just then I was pulled back to the present when a giant gust of wind blew my baseball cap off my head and towards the park.
"Ughh!" I groaned before I began chasing after it.

Hiccup's POV

"So, how do you suppose we find this person? There are tons of people with hats on! Just look around."
Sure enough, basically every other person was wearing a baseball hat.
"Ummm," Jack thought out loud, "I think this person might've been short. The window was sorta high and I only saw the top of this person's head."
I sighed and thought for a moment.
"What about the park? If it was a short person, it might've been a child. Children play at parks."
Jack nodded, "great idea." He smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek. I blushed and began to walk towards the park. He took his hand in mine and I smiled at him again. I'm just glad he's safe and here with me.
My hand was squeezed and I looked up at Jack as he pointed towards a flying red hat with a boy in a green jacket running after it. He let go of my hand and ran towards it. I ran after him. When I caught up to him, I put my hand son my knees to catch my breath.
"Here you go." I hear Jack say breathlessly as he hands the hat to the boy.
"Thank you."


I was running after my hat when I noticed a white haired boy. The white haired boy, along with a shorter, brown haired male.
I saw him grab it and hold it out for me.
"Here you go,"
"Thank you."
"Better hold on tight to that hat," he smiled then began walking away.
"Uh, wait!" I called out.
The two boys turned around with a slightly confused look on their faces.
"Yes?" The brunette asked.

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