Chapter 2

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"WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD! THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ!" Niall sings loudly. I roll my eyes.

"Can you please shut up? You're gonna get us caught."

"Why are you so cranky?" Angela teases.

"Did I not give you a good enough explanation this morning?" She falls silent.

"Alright guys, stay close, backs pressed against that mysterious brick wall over there, and slip around doing weird poses and moves like ninjas." Niall says grinning.

"Yeah! Like Nancy Drew!" Angela pipes in.

"She was a detective...? I'm talking about ninjas here, Ang." I clench my fists.

"Hey, you two, I hate to break it to ya, but we're kinda in hiding here." I growl. The two stop laughing and face me. Niall salutes to me.

"Yes, captain." I mutter a few unintelligent words under my breath and continue walking, a little faster this time.

"Hey wait up!" Angela shouts.

"Shhh!" I whisper. "Look, we need to split up. Niall, look for food. Angela, look for normal everyday needs. And I'll look for supplies and weapons. Got it?"

"Yepper." Niall says.

"You got it!" Angela sings.

"Good, now let's go."


I start with an abandoned super market. Roaming over, I make sure to keep low in case any Brits are deciding to look around today. Of course, they aren't on our side of the world, they have their own side. Which, might I add, isn't far from here.

I slip inside the place and look around. I have to say, my heart is going to fast right now. I look around, and freeze. Why does it look like someone was just here? 152 humans, and they are all back where I just came from. Unless there's more...? But there can't be! This is it. Unless....

there's Brits here?!

As quick as I can, I slip behind a tipped over counter. There's food spilled everywhere, and the cash register machine is shoved under the counter. I grab some food near by from my hiding spot and shove it into my bag. I then open the register machine and find some money in it. Jackpot! I grab the fistfuls of money and shove it into my bag. I close it and sling it over my shoulder. It's time to get the heck out of here.

But just as I'm about to get up and head out of the front door, I hear footsteps. I freeze in my hiding spot. Oh gosh. What am I gonna do? I take a few silent, deep breaths. I close my eyes and lean against the counter. What if I get caught? Brought over to the other side? Where the BrAts are.

What would Dad do if he was here? He would think of the logical side. Well...what is the logical side?

Staying put until you know it's safe to leave.

No way! I'm gonna get caught. I'm sure there's a back entrance here...I'll go that way. When they're not looking of course.

Not a good idea!

Well it's better than yours.

No it's not.

I don't have time to argue about this! I need to think fast and my idea seems logical enough so I'm doing it.

Fine, but if you get caught don't come crying to me.

I won't.

Uh huh.

I get in a ready position. I take a silent breath. I can do this, right? I mean, I could be overreacting. It could be Niall or Angela. Right? Yeah. It could be them. This is the closest place to where we were. They could have come here as well. In fact, maybe they teamed up and they're trying to scare me. That's very believable.

Anyways, I don't hear anything, so I decide to make a run for it. Getting up as fast as I can, I dash to the back door as soon as I spot it. I'm lucky there's a clear path instead of more junk around here. I'm able to make it to the door speedy quick. I grab the knob and fling it open.

Then I hear feet land behind me, and a British voice says,

"Going somewhere?"

A.N. Yeah..this story moves pretty fast, so keep up? ;) It will be a long story so...yeah...But I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment! I love you all so much, thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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