Chapter 37

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A.N. WARNING! Short chapter. :D


I set my fork down and stand up.

"Thanks you guys for ########### her off." I snap. I walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I find Evelyn's room and I knock on the door softly.

"Go away." I hear her voice from inside. I sigh.

"Evelyn, it's Harry."

"I don't care. I said go away."

Leave her alone for a bit. She needs to cool off.

Good idea.

I walk off and into my room. I plop down on my bed and turn the TV on. What to do now?


I sigh as I hear Harry's footsteps disappear. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings. I'm just not in a good mood right now. I need to rest, or do something that will distract my mind. I change into a sweatshirt, joggers, and sneakers and tie my hair into a ponytail. A little late night run should do me some good. I grab a piece of paper and a pen and write out a letter to Harry.


I needed to get some fresh air so I went out for a little jog. I'll be back before 10:30. I'm just going around the block. Don't worry about me, I'll be back soon. :)

Love, Evelyn xx

I set the note down on the window sill and I step out onto the balcony. I carefully pull myself down, lending on the gutters and using them to help me get safely to the ground.

When I'm on the ground safely, I make my way to the sidewalk. The fresh air feels nice, and although there's a full moon tonight, something tells me everything will be alright. And with that, I make my way around the block feeling perfectly at peace.

A.N. Please vote and comment. Love you. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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