Chapter 10

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Angela and I rush down the road, trying to stay undercover and run at top speed at the same time. It's really hard, actually.

"We have to tell Nancy!" Angela cries. Tears stream down her face. Tears stream down my face too. Evelyn is gone. Evelyn is gone. All that goes through my head are those three words. Evelyn is gone.

Soon, our cottage comes into view. We rush through the door. Nancy immediately gets up. She seems to catch that sow thing isn't right by the way we ran in, with tears streaming down our faces, and no Evelyn.

"Oh no." Nancy breathes.

"She's gone!" Angela cries. "She was caught!" Tears well up in Nancy's eyes.

"No." She whispers. "No no no no no." Tears spill down her wrinkled cheeks. She lets out a sob and falls to her knees. Angela and I look at each other with worried looks on our faces. Is Nancy ok? We all thought of her as the tough kind. I guess that's what happens when you lose someone you love. You just lose yourself and let it all out.

"Nancy?" Angela whispers. "Are you ok?" Nancy lets out another cry of agony.

"Why?" She sobs. "Why did it have to be her? Why not me?" She continues to sob.

"Come on." I whisper to Angela.

"Where are we going?" She asks wide eyed.

"Away from Nancy. She needs this moment." Angela nods her head, agreeing with me.

"Let's go then."

A.N. Sorry it was short. :( I'm watching the Super Bowl 2016. GO BRONCOS! Please vote and comment. Thanks. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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