Chapter 23

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I slowly open my eyes. Where am I? What happened? And then everything came rushing back to me. Amy and the strawberries, the flashbacks, and more.

I hear the buzzing noise and realize that I must be in a hospital. Hm. Who brought me here?

"Evelyn?" Harry's worried voice calls from somewhere in the room.

"I'm ok." I croak. It feels like I haven't used my voice in ages. Harry rushes to the bed.

"Thank goodness you're ok." Harry says, looking relieved. I force a smile.

"I think I am." Harry smiles back.

"I don't think I could've lost you." My smile fades. What does he mean by that? That he cares about me? Well, he did look worried when I had started to choke. And he's been really nice to me lately. Maybe he does care about me. Or I'm just imagining things. I hope I'm not.

All of a sudden, the door opens. In walks a middle aged woman with blonde hair pulled up into a bun. She's wearing a teal pant suit and white flats. She has a name tag in the corner of her shirt that says JEN. She's wearing a kind smile on her face, and she overall looks pretty friendly. She must be a nurse here.

"Hello Evelyn! I'm your nurse Jen. I wanted to come in and check up on you, and it looks like you're awake now." She says with a smile. "How do you feel?" do I feel?

"Tired." I admit.

"That's the IV." Jen says. Harry frowns.

"Well take it out of her." He says, annoyed. Jen turns to him with a frown.

"It's medicine, and drowsiness is a side effect of it."

"Oh." Harry says, blushing a little. Why is he blushing?

"Well, it seems like you're ok now so I guess we can dismiss you. Are you breathing ok?"  


"Does your throat hurt at all?"


"Alright then I guess you're all set. Lemme get the papers real quick." Jen hurries off and I can't help but think, she's a Brit, why is she helping me?

Not all Brits are bad people, Evelyn. Some are in fact a lot nicer than humans. Don't you remember those flashbacks? The humans declared the war, not the Brits. And just so you now, that made a lot of Brits feel bad. They didn't ask to be born like that. They wanted normal lives. But they didn't get that. And all the humans did was blame them for the way they were. Some thought they were special. But then the humans came along and they thought otherwise. The humans made them feel about themselves. The Brits aren't the villains here, the humans are.

I process what Con just told me. This is all a little too much for me. What if it's right? What if the humans have been bad all along? And I've been bad with them.

The flashbacks replay in my mind. All the shiz Harry went through, and here I thought I was the only one with a bad life. The Brits wanted peace, but the humans destroyed that.

But, then again, the Brits go around and use us humans as their food. They kidnap us and bring to their side. They turn us in and hurt us. They use us as their next meal. Soon, there will be no humans left. And it'll be their fault.

You don't get it do you? The human side was destroyed. It still is. After the war (which was on the humans' side) there was nothing left but broken down buildings and scattered trash. No places to live, nothing. Your family was lucky to find that cottage. It seems like that's the only thing left that's standing besides the super market. The Brits just wanted to provide a home for you.

But they kidnap us. And sometimes they eat us too. How is that providing a home for us, if we're gone in the end?

Well, not all Brits like humans. But humans hate Brits so it's even, isn't it?

So then who's side do I fall on? I mean, my family is on the human side. I have to go with that. But then again......Harry, Gemma, Anne, Desmond, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Jen are all on this side....and well, I kind of like them. But my family....

You know that Gemma was a human. She managed on the Brits' side.

Good point. But still, my family is on the human side. I would be betraying them if I fought for the Brits' side from now on.

Yes, but you're already betraying them. You like Harry, I know you do. And you had fun today, besides the strawberry incident. Eve, I've never seen you so happy before, and I'm inside of you, so that's a lot to say right there.

I know, but...

No buts. I think you know who you have to fight for from now on.

Con is right. I do.

And it's the Brits'.

A.N. SO HELLOOOO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEEEEE. Sorry. :D Please vote and comment please! Thanks for reading. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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