Chapter 31

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I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? Well, I finally realize that Evelyn is my soulmate, but now I have to explain that to her, along with the good and bad conditions related to that. I'm afraid she'll freak out.

I mean, what if she doesn't love me? She never told me she did...I guess we never formally said we were dating...

I'm just so worried....

Or what if she does love me? And then she stops loving me after hearing about the bad conditions that goes with it?

I remember what Louis had told me when we discussed this a few days ago. I was worried then, too.

"Harry, everything will be fine. You guys have spent enough nice moments with each other. It's too special to forget so easily. I'm sure she loves you back, Haz. You're a charming man." That made me feel a lot better.

Until I slept that night.

And I remembered that her family hates supernaturals, I'm a supernatural, and that she's human. This is going to suck big time. Literally, if you know what I'm hinting at.

"Harry what do we need to discuss that's so important?" Evelyn asks, looking concerned. I bite my lip.

"Just have a seat, ok?" She nods and nervously sits down on my bed. I sit down next to her and pull her small body close to me. I lean down and whisper in her ear,

"Do you love me?" She gasps at the words. "Sorry if this is a little to soon...but I need to know. Do you?" She bites her lip. I try to read her eyes, a skill my mother taught me years ago, but Evelyn is really good at hiding her emotions. This is why I read her mind so much.

Oh gosh...he loves me? What do I say? I mean, yes I do love him back...but what if he's just testing me? Oh my gosh I don't know what to do!

"Please answer me." I beg.

"I-I..." Well at least I think she loves me back. That's what she's thinking. Relief floods through me, but I'm still a little on the edge.

"I do." She finally whispers. My face breaks into a huge, stupid grin. She blushes.

"Good, because I love you too." She smiles. But then she looks confused.

"Does that mean we're dating?" She blushes a little as she asks the question shyly. I wink.

"If you want to then I'm ok with that." She smile shyly.

"I'm ok with that too." My heey gives a little leap.

Did you forget what you were supposed to be talking about?


I clear my throat and Evelyn looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"So...." I say. She looks at me intently.

"You needed to talk about something important with me, remember?" I sigh.

"I know. It's just....well...."


"You might not like what I'm going to say." She gulps.

"Just say it and get it over with." I take a deep breath.

"'s something special about you and me." She smiles. "I really mean it when I say that. Well...supernaturals call special couples "soulmates". That means that they love each other so much, and can never part from each other. The supernatural feels it after spending some time with the human, but it may take the human some time to actually feel the love toward the supernatural.

Finally, they both will eventually know that they are truly soulmates. And they love each other forever." I take a deep breath. Where there's all the good things. Well, there's one more good thing but she has to hear the bad things first. This is not gonna be too good.

"Well what's so bad about that?" Evelyn asks confused. I gulp.

"Well..there's some bad things too. The supernatural wants to make sure that they can be with their love forever, so they have to do the marking stage." Evelyn gulps.

"What's that?" She whispers.

"It's a stage where I have to bite you in my vampire form so that my venom will get inside of you. It won't turn you supernatural, but it will spread to the rest of your body, and you will be able to mlive forever and look the way you do now." I take a deep breath as I wait for her response. That's all I have to say. I watch as her big blue eyes slowly form the size of saucers.

"W-What?" I bite my lip.

"I'm sorry, Eve. I don't want things to be this way, but they have to. We're mates." Tears well up in her eyes. They spill down her pale cheeks and I lean forward and wipe them away with my thumbs. "Don't cry, it'll be ok."

"W-When do you have to do it?" I frown.

"Do what?"

"Th-The marking st-stage."

"Soon, but not yet, ok? You'll know when the time comes. You may start to feel a little weak as the days pass, and when you get to your weakest point, I'll know that I have to mark you." Her skin pales. I reach forward and take her hand. "Hey, it's ok. Trust me." I kiss her hand. She flinches and pulls her hand back.

"I just need some time alone." She whispers.

"Eve-" I start but she pulls away and rushes out of the room.

A.N. Sorry for the long wait. :/ I'm at my grandma's Please vote and comment! Happy Easter to people who celebrate it! I hope you have a wonderful day/night idk what you are exactly living at the moment. :D Follow Mia and I on our Twitter: @fearless_heroes  First person to comment on this chapter gets a dedicated chapter in the future, a shout out, and I'll read a story of your choice whether it's your own or not. Thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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