Chapter 24

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"So what do we do?" Angela asks Julie. Julie sighs.

"I don't know right now. I mean, I understand both sides. Nancy is really sensitive with wars. Especially since that last one we had. Something happened during that war, and after that, she could never forgive herself. So she doesn't want to go through another one, in fear of the same thing happening. So you can kind of understand her side, can't you?" She pauses and looks at us.

"I guess." I say. "But what happened that she's freaking out about?" Julie gives me a serious look.

"I'm not aloud to say. I'm the only one she's told, and I'm not about to spill it. But, I can see your side too. We need our Evelyn back, because we've lost too much and we all know her well. She means the world to us. And to have a war, we're not only fighting for her, but we're fighting for the other humans we've lost."

"Then I think we all know the answer to this." Angela says softly. We nod our heads. Julie whispers,

"Yes we do. We leave tomorrow, and start to train."

A.N. Sorry this was so short! Please vote and comment. Thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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