Chapter 32

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I rush into my room, ignoring Louis when he calls my name. I need to be alone right now.

Once I get into my room, I rush towards the doors that lead to the balcony. I need some fresh air. I rush forward and fling the doors open, stepping out onto the balcony and enjoying the chilly breeze of London. The sun is shining in the distance, giving a warm glow to the cold atmosphere. I inhale a dept breath full of crisp air.

I think about how much my life has changed ever since I got here a few weeks ago. How did my life make such a turn? There's still a lot I don't understand, like how Harry's sister was a Brit but wasn't supernatural, but that wasn't my main worry right now. My main worry was that at some point I will be so weak that the only thing that will be able to save me is Harry's bite. And I don't want two holes on my neck, thank you very much.

All of a sudden, I hear footsteps behind me. Please don't be Harry. The footsteps stop at the balcony doors. I stay still in my position at the balcony railing. I just want to be alone. Why can't I be alone for more than five minutes?

"Evelyn?" Louis' soft voice says from the balcony doors. I stay stiffly in my position. "Evelyn...can we talk?" I don't answer. "Please?" I gulp and finally nod my head. He walks over to me.

"What do you want?" I whisper, feeling tears well up in my eyes. Louis comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I flinch.

"Harry is really worried about you." He says softly. I nod my head.

"I know."

"He wants to talk to you."

"Last time that happened I ended up here. Crying. Wishing I were dead." Louis shakes his head.

"Don't say that, Evelyn. I know we treated you like #### before, but now we are giving you the life you deserve, which is a very good and spoiled life." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "We want you to be happy, ok? It isn't Harry's fault that this has to happen." I shake my head.

"You think I'm stupid? Of course I know it isn't his fault! I just need some time to adjust to this. I'm not even used to being around supernaturals everyday of my life, even though I've been here for weeks." Louis sighs.

"Ok, we'll give you some time today to adjust. But please promise us you'll feel better by tomorrow? Tomorrow is your first day working at the book store." Oh right. Forgot about that. Tomorrow is Monday. I guess when you live with a bunch of supernaturals you kind of forget the date everyday.

"Ok fine." Louis looks relieved.

"Thank you. I'll go tell Harry and you can rest up a bit. We'll call you down when it's dinner."

"Ok." I say softly. Louis smiles and gives me a light hug before leaving me alone on the balcony.

A.N. Thank you so much for reading! How about we reach two votes and two comments maybe? This is pathetic, I know. :/ I know this chapter wasn't that great, I have writers block. But I hope you enjoyed it anyways! I love you all so much. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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