Chapter 40

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The first thing I do is scream.

"Evelyn please calm down!" Harry begs as he struggles to keep me in place. I squirm in his grip and scream at the top of my lungs.

A few moments later, Louis comes rushing into the room.

"Is everything alright in here?" He asks worriedly. Harry grimaces.

"Does it look like everything's alright?" Louis sighs and walks over.

"What's the dilemma?"

"I need to mark Evelyn but she's making this difficult." Louis sighs again.

"Give her to me." Harry scoffs.

"Like you're any different than me!"

"I'm not her soulmate." Harry huffs but hands me over to Louis. Mean while, I'm still struggling to get free.

"Please, Evelyn. Listen to me. I know you're upset about this, but Harry won't make it hurt. He'll be very gentle. Right Harry?" He looks to Harry.

"Of course." Harry says gently. He reaches for me but I flinch away. Louis clears his throat and glares at Harry.

"I'm not done yet."

"Sorry." Harry mutters.

"Everything will be ok, we promise that. It may hurt a little, but Harry will be as gentle as possible. So please don't get upset. Harry's only doing this because he loves you. Not because he wants to hurt you."

"Evelyn, please." Harry whispers. Tears stream down my face, and I sniffle and try to wipe some of them away.

"Fine." I whisper, and Louis and Harry look relieved. Louis kisses the top of my head before leaving.

"Thank you." Harry quietly thanks his as he leaves. Then he turns to me. "Should we get started?" He smiles gently at me. I gulp.

He gets up and closes the door. I hear a lock from the outside which makes me panic. He turns around and walks back to the bed.

"Lay down." He orders. I gulp and slowly lay down on the bed. "This will make it more comfortable." Nothing will make fangs in my neck more comfortable.

"I wish you wouldn't do this." I whisper nervously. Tears stream down my face. Harry gets on top of me, pinning me down slightly with his torso. His then brushes my tears away and kisses my forehead.

"I know. But I have to do this, ok?" He hesitates, looking down at my neck. His eyes turn red and his fangs grow. I press my lips together and squeeze my eyes shut in fear. I can't watch.

His lips hover over my neck, sending my heart into spasms. His lips lightly brush the sensitive spot on my neck. I gasp.

"Shhh." He murmurs. He lightly presses a soft kiss to my throat before sucking on it. He trails the kisses back to the sensitive part of my neck and kisses it again. Then he whispers,

"I love you so freaking much, Evelyn." My heart thumps and my eyes widen. Those words. They just mean so much.

But the shock fades when he sinks his fangs into my neck. And it hurts. No, hurt is an understatement. It also burns like you cannot imagine. I scream, hoping that Louis or the other boys will come in here and help me. But no one comes. So I scream again.

But then Harry pulls back, his lips dripping with my blood. He has a look of hunger, lust, guilt, and a little regret in his eyes. Although I'm not sure what the regret is for.

His eyes fall down to my lips and yes, I admit, he looks super  sexy. He leans down and kisses the mark, sucking on it slightly. I can't help but moan.

He then pulls back and leans down towards my lips. Wait. Is he gonna kiss me?! My heart thumps louder. I've never kissed anyone before. What do I do?!

"Follow my lead." Harry whispers in my ear and bites my earlobe. I blush and goosebumps pop up all over my skin. The fact that he read my mind doesn't even bother me when I'm like this.

He hovers his lips over mine in a teasing way. My heart is doing flips inside of me. I have butterflies in my stomach. I can't even feel the pain in my neck anymore.

He then crashes his lips to mine unexpectedly. He kisses my gentle, but firm. The feeling is amazing inside of me.

"So sweet." He murmurs as he kisses me more. "So beautiful." I blush.

The kiss gets more heated when our tongues get involved, and then he slowly pulls back. He pecks my lips once more before giving me a love bite on my neck. It burns, but it feels good.

"Feel better?" He says with a slight smirk on his face. I nod my head in a daze. "Good." He says before getting off of me. He pulls me close to him, and we slip under the covers. He turns the lights off and cuddles me to him.

After a while he sits up. I slowly sit up as well.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I forgot to get undressed." He winks. I blush. Thank goodness he can't see that because the lights off. Or maybe he can...?

"Please don't tell me you're going naked..." I say, feeling my face grow hotter. He smirks.

"You'll have to find out." I turn away.

"Harry!" I squeal. He chuckles.

"I'm just messing with you, babe." The butterflies flutter in my stomach at the nickname. Everything feels so different now. It feels better.

After a while, I hear clothing falling to the floor. I start to get nervous. What if he really is naked? Not like it would bother me. But still.

"Ok, scoot over."

"Harry..." I say in a warning tone. He chuckles.

"Love, I have my boxers on." I sigh in relief and slip under the covers next to him. "Like you would mind if I was naked." He says smirking. I blush.

"Can we just get some sleep?" I huff, clearly embarrassed. He laughs a little.

"Ok." I close my eyes and bury my face in his chest. He rubs my back with one hand and strokes my hair with the other. "I love you." He whispers.  

"I love you too." I whisper back.

"You're finally mine." He adds quieter, kissing my mark and causing it to burn a little. But I don't mind.

"I was always yours."

"Yes, that's very true." He says. "But now no one  can have you. You're mine." I shiver at the words, but cuddle into him. I trace his tattoos on his bare chest before slowly drifting to sleep, feeling warm and very safe.

A.N. SURPRISE! You guys better like that...that took me like three days when normally my updates take a day. :3 Please vote and comment! Thanks a bunch! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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