Chapter 28

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He's silent at first. It's actually quite scary. I'm not sure what else to say, I've already told him the whole story. But he just blinks at me for what seems like an eternity. Finally, I clear my throat to break this awkward silence. His eyes dart to the bed cover.

"Well then..." He whispers. Oh no. I hope I didn't upset him. Yes, I admit that I care.

But then...what if he thinks I'm crazy? I would hate that. I know I saw those visions. It wasn't fake. I saw it. It was real. I'm not crazy. I swear.

"Do you believe me?" I blurt out. I mentally slap my forehead. Why push my luck? If I even had any, anyways.

"Yes." Harry says. "Of course I do. I just didn't think it would happen to you." I frown.

"Wait...lemme get this straight. You knew about this before it happened?" Harry sighs.

"You're living on the Brits' side now, Eve. Do you expect nurses to give you normal anesthesia?"

"Oh." Is all I say.

"So all of that was true then?" He hesitates.

"Yes." I frown.

" was she...?" Harry takes a deep breath before saying,

"She was a rare Brit. Only 1 in 100 Brits end up that way. And they all end up killed anyways." Harry sniffles. I feel tears well up in my eyes. How could I ever hate Harry again after knowing what he's been through? Maybe that's why he's a little rough at first. Harry sighs before looking up at me.

"You remind me of her. As soon as I saw you I knew that I would never let you go. You ae brave, sweet, and you fight for your family. Just like her, I swear." He whispers the last part.

"I'm so sorry Harry." I whisper, on the verge of crying. Crying for him. Harry looks up at me. "I'm sorry for everything that's ever happened to you." Before I even know what I'm doing,  I jump into his arms. He looks surprised as I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in is chest. He buries his face in the crook of my neck. He kisses it softly, causing me to shiver in shock and delight.

"I'm glad I found such an amazing girl like you." He mumbles into my neck. I blush. What does he mean by that? Does he like me?

Duh, that's what he's been saying this whole time, dimwit.

I feel myself smile. I like the fact that he likes me. I have decided that I like him to. Maybe it's love...?

That's usually what two people liking each other results in, stupid.

I internally roll my eyes at Con. It seriously just needs to shut up and let me enjoy my moment right now. Being so close to Harry makes me feel so good. Ok, and maybe a little nervous too. But he's a Brit, can you blame me?

Finally, after what seems like forever, Harry pulls back and lightly tucks me into my bed. He brushes some of my hair off my forehead and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight Evelyn. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Harry. Tell the boys I said goodnight." He smiles.

"I will." He walks out and gently closes the door.

Maybe one day you'll sleep together, Con pipes up. I blush.

Shut up.

But I can't help but smile. I have to. I'm too happy about how my life is finally turning out. Hopefully it will last this way. I mean, nothing bad could happen anyways, right?

A.N. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day/night! :) xx


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