Chapter 33

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"We're already trained, can't we just call a war?" I ask annoyed. Julie shakes her head.

"We have to wait until Friday."

"Why? I'm tired of waiting!" I growl. Julie sighs.

"I know Niall, but still. We have to. We just need some time to make sure everything is right and prepared. Relax, ok? We're gonna go to war no matter what." I sigh, relaxing a little bit.

"Alright fine." Julie smiles.

"Good. Now go talk to Angela or something." I sigh but walk off anyways. I bump into Angela though.

"Hey Ang-"

"Oh Niall!" Angela flings her arms around me. She has tears streaming down her face. I frown and wrap my arms around her.

"Angela, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She sniffles and wipes some of her tears away with her sleeves.

"It's Nancy! come look." She starts off and I follow her. Julie also follows with a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything alright?" She asks, worried.

"No." Angela cries a little more. Soon we come to a cliff edge. It's the cliff we were told to avoid when we were little. We still don't come around me. Angela takes us to the edge and points to the ground. Julie and I gasp when we see Nancy lying bloody on the ground down the cliff. "And they left a note!"

"They?" Julie gasps between cries. Angela nods and shows us the note as we cry. It says,

Dear humans,

This was your warning to back off. Should've listened to your leader. If you call a war, we won't hesitate to take out the rest of you. FOREVER.


Julie gasps.

"The Brits!" She wails.

"What do we do?" Angela cries.

"Call the crew. Tell them to be prepared for a war by Wednesday. I'm don't know about you, but I, not going down without a fight. This is for Nancy. For Evelyn. For all of our family that we have lost. WE'RE GONNA FIGHT!" Julie screeches. Angela and I look at each other. This is it. We were gonna fight. As soon as Wednesday comes along, our lives will never be the same.

A.N. Sorry for the boring chapter. :( It'll get better, I promise. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment, TYSM. ;) ily all so much! Have a good day/night! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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