Chapter 9

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I'm not even paying any attention to the TV right now. I'm thinking about Harry. He seems to be bipolar with his constant mood swings. I don't even know what to do right now.

All of a sudden, the door opens up. I flinch and cling to the covers of the bed for dear life.

Please don't be Harry. Please don't be Harry.

"Hello Evelyn." Harry says with a smile. Tears stream down my face. Of course it has to be Harry. Harry's smile fades when he sees that I'm crying.

"What's wrong?" He asks me as he walks over to me. I cringe and shy away from him. He sighs. "I won't hurt you. I'm sorry I've been so harsh on you lately. I have no right to do that. You are a lovely girl." He smiles at me. For some reason, this makes me feel a little bit better.

"Y-You won't hurt m-me?" I whisper. Harry shakes his head.

"No, I won't. Now...are you hungry?" I quickly shake my head. He frowns. "But you didn't eat breakfast. You have to be hungry."

"N-No." Harry shakes his head.

"I'll go make you something anyways. Hang on, I'll be right back. I'll send in Louis to keep an eye on you."

"Ok." I say softly. Harry disappears and then soon Louis appears.

"Hello Evelyn." He says with a smile. He walks over and sits down next to me.

"Hi." I say shyly.

"I see you and Harry made up." I don't reply. I wouldn't say that I 100% forgive him. Not yet at least.

Louis pops in a movie.

"Thought you might want to do something interesting then just staring." Louis jokes. I blush. Was I really doing that? Louis smiles at me. I smile back. Actually smile. What is going on with me?

Soon, Harry walks in with a bowl of soup and a cup of tea. He smiles and walks over, sitting down on the other side of me.

"Do you like soup and tea?" He asks me. I nod my head. He looks relieved. "Ok good. Then here you go." He hands them to me.

"Thank you." I say quietly. He smiles.

"You're welcome." He kisses the top of my head. Why is he being all touchy? I decide to just let it slide for now. I take a spoonful of soup and a sip of tea. It actually tastes really good. Better than the things I've had in the past. Granola bars and fruit. Always the same. But not anymore.

Suddenly, I think of Nancy and the rest. How are they doing? I bet they realize now that I was caught. I guess that besides Harry's mood swings, this isn't as bad as I thought. Harry said he wouldn't hurt me. And he's taking care of me now. Maybe I can get used to this? As long as he doesn't tell anyone where my friends are. It looks like I'll just have to trust him for now.

A.N. Please vote and comment. Thanks. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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