Chapter 38

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After a while, I get so bored that I decide to go check on her. I make my way to her room and open the door his time instead of knocking. I expect to see her crying or something, but instead I don't see her at all.

She's gone.

"LOUIS!" I scream, panic rising inside of me. Louis zips up the stairs and is beside me in seconds.

"What's wrong Harry?" He asks me worried.

"Evelyn! She's gone!"

"WHAT?!" Tears well up in my eyes.

"She's not here!" I cry.

"Check the room for evidence!" I rush inside and start to check the area, Louis coming in and helping me.

"Did you find anything?"

"No." I sniffle and we continue to look. That is, until I find a note on the window sill.

"Wait! I found a note!" Louis rushes over to me and reads it to himself over my shoulder. It says:


I needed to get some fresh air so I went out for a little jog. I'll be back before 10:30. I'm just going around the block. Don't worry about me, I'll be back soon. :)

Love, Evelyn xx

Relief washes through me.

"Oh." I say. Louis sighs.

"That was a close one."

"Yeah but I'm not to keen on the fact that she's out there alone and it's a full moon."

"Alright well wait until 10:30 and if she isn't back yet then go look for her. You'll have a vision if she's in trouble anyways."

"Good point. I think that's what I'll do. Thanks Lou."

"No problem Haz."

I feel better now.

A.N. It will get better, I promise. Please vote and comment. Love you all tons. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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