Chapter 17

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It seems like now's the time to have flashbacks, apparently.


"Honey!" Bill calls frantically, trying to save his wife. But it's too late. The arrow digs into her heart.

"Billllllllllll!" She cries.

"NO!!! DONNA DON'T LEAVE ME!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" Bill cries in agony as he watches his wife start to die.

"I love you Bill......take care of Evelyn for me. Please....I love you...." Then he watches as the life fades from Donna's eyes forever.


Wait. Let's go back a bit.


"Honey!" Bill calls frantically, trying to save his wife. But it's too late. The arrow digs into her heart.


My thoughts zoom in on the arrow. The arrow that strikes through the heart of my mother. Was this what really happened? How can I remember at such a young age?

My eyes can over the flashback again. The arrow.....what Brit shot the arrow at my mother? And why would they use an arrow when they have powers? I don't remember any other Brits using arrows. But I do remember us, the humans, using arrows.....

So if a Brit never shot my mother....then who did?

I reply the first part of the flashback again.


"Honey!" Bill calls frantically, trying to save his wife. But it's too late. The arrow digs into her heart.


I back up a bit to trace the steps of the arrow. The arrow goes to the hand of a salt and pepper haired woman. A woman who looks about 46.


That's where my world practically stops.

A.N. The next few will probably be short too. Sorry. Please vote and comment. Thanks. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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