Chapter 30

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The look for a stupid job was boring. But eventually, the right job came to me.

Around the corner is a neat little book store that's part time, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. It works from 9:00 to 5:00. Perfect days and hours.

I rush up to the book store and head inside while Harry rushes to catch up with me. He frowns at the place but follows me inside anyways.

The book store is huge, that's all I can say. And it's kind of ancient and creep, I have to admit. But I think that it looked fine, judging by the fact that I live in a creepy castle with supernaturals.

"Are you sure you want to work here?" Harry asks, furrowing his eyebrows and looking concerned. I smile at him.

"Yeah, I love books. Why?" He shrugs and his eyes roam over the perimeter of the place.

"I don't know...I just didn't expect you to choose this place out of all the places to work at here." I cross my arms.

"Well I like this one, is that a problem?" I huff. Harry cracks a smile.

"No, it's fine. Let's go talk to the boss then." I smile back at him and skip up to the front desk. There's an old woman there, with pale, withered skin and purple eyes. She's wearing a witch-looking outfit, minus the hat.

"Hello! I'm Evelyn and I was wondering if that part-time job here is still open?" The woman blinks at me. I clear my throat. "Um...can I talk to the boss?" The lady glares at me.

"I am the boss." She says coldly, her voice scratchy and old. It makes me shudder. Harry tugs on my shirt. He is so impatient, gosh.

"Evelyn....maybe this isn't a good idea. There's plenty of other places to work. Can we go?" He's acting like a baby. He's supernatural and I'm human for crying out loud, he shouldn't be scared.

Harry glares at me and I smirk. He read my thoughts.

"I am NOT scared." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say." I face the cranky woman. "Look, can I try out for this job or not?" The woman fixes her old, ancient glasses.

"Hm." Is all she says. I roll my eyes. I don't have all day.

"Harry let's go." I turn around to leave as Harry happily skips after me, but all of a sudden the woman calls,

"No! Wait!" Harry lets out an annoyed huff. I turn around.

"What?" I say flatly. The lady adjusts her small round glasses, and clears her throat.

"Monday's, Tuesday's, and Thursday's. Be here no earlier or later than nine." The woman says firmly. I let out a little squeal and say,

"Thank you! I'll be here Monday, I promise I'll be on time and you won't regret hiring me!" I say happily. Harry groans as we leave.

"Happy now?"



"What do you want to do?" Harry asks me after we return home. I shrug.

"I don't know, I guess. What do you want to do?" I ask him. He smiles his adorable smile, his two dimples popping out.

"Cuddle." He says and I blush. I'm not even sure what we exactly are, but I don't mind keep this relationship up, even if I don't know what we should even call it.

"Ok." I say with a smile.

"Great, my room. Also, we need to talk." His face turns serious all of a sudden.

Oh no.

A.N. Uh oh....wonder what he's gonna talk to her about....:D Please vote and comment! Sorry for a long wait for an update...I've been so busy lately. Ugh.

I hope you liked this chap, I know, a little boring. The next chapter will explain a lot ;).

Bye my lovely Beauties! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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