Chapter 36

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A.N. WARNING! Short chapter. :D


When we get home, dinner is already on the table. Salad, chicken, and potatoes. Louis takes off an apron and sits down at the table. Liam and Zayn are already seated.

"Just in time for dinner." Louis says with a smile.

"Why home so early?" Liam questions.

"Yeah was everything alright?" Zayn pitches in. "We've never seen you fly outta here that fast, Haz." Harry blushes.

"Well some creep was bothering Evelyn." He says as he and I sit down at the table as well.

"What type of creep?" Louis questions.

"Just a vampire. He literally had no other power." Zayn rolls his eyes.

"The singles act like they're all powerful. Good thing the army isn't made up of 'em." Liam nods his head in agreement.

"Army?" I question. Louis nods.

"We have an army. Usually they work for the queen."

"Oh." I say. "What do they do?"

"They protect our country." Harry says.

"From what? You guys are the strong ones." I say. Liam nods.

"True. But we don't want to hurt anyone unless we have to." I scoff.

"Tell that to the million of Brits that made my family much smaller by doing away with them in the world." Harry sighs.

"Can we just have a pleasant conversation?" I turn away.

"Liam started it." Liam frowns.

"Me? What did I do?" Louis rubs his forehead.

"That's enough. Just eat and stay quiet."

"Yes you're majesty." I say sarcastically. Louis raise his eyebrows at me and I drop my fork and stand up.

"Eve, where are you going?" Harry asks. I ignore him and make my way to my room. I slam the door just because I want them to know I'm mad. And because I can.

A.N. much for defending the Brits Evelyn. :/ Please vote and comment! Thanks so much for reading, I love you all so much! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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