Chapter 15

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After we were done ice skating, Harry took me out for lunch. We went to the Pizza Parlor. As we look at our menus, I can't help but stare at Harry. His eyes scan the menu and eventually they flicker up to my face. I blush. He smiles a little, but he looks slightly confused. Great. He saw me looking at him.

Soon our waitress walks over.

"Do you have your orders?" She asks. Might I add, she only looks at Harry. I don't think it's just because I'm human.

"Yes." Harry says. He looks at me. "Do you have yours, Eve?" I nod my head. "Ok then I think we're ready." She smiles at him.

"Alright, what would you like?" Her name tag says Amy. She has long red hair and blue eyes. She has pale skin and big lips that are coated in layers of red lipstick. She has a slight smirk on her face, which I just want to slap off. Not like it would hurt her.

"I'll take a small pepperoni and cheese pizza please." Harry says.

"And for drink?"

"Blood." I shudder at that. Amy is about to leave when Harry taps her shoulder. She slowly turns around.

"Yes?" She bats her eyelashes innocently. Like he likes her or something. I hope he doesn't. Not like I'm jealous or anything. Harry raises his eyebrows. "What?" She huffs.

"#####, you forgot my GIRLFRIEND'S order." I'm shocked as he says those words.

A) Because he swore.

B) Because this means he doesn't like her.

C) Because he called me his girlfriend.

I can't help but feel happy at C.

She stomps her foot and flips her hair annoyed. She lets out an angry huff.

"Done acting like a child? My girlfriend needs to order here." Her eyes widen and he face turns red. I can't help but laugh. She slowly turns to look at me with death in her eyes. I shiver and slide towards the window side of the booth.

"I would like a salad and a lemonade please." She suddenly smirks.

"What was that last order?"

"Salad and lemonade." Harry says annoyed. Her smirk widens.

"Ok, of course!" he dances off, leaving me looking and feeling terrified. Harry reaches over the table and takes my hand, He squeezes it lightly.

"I hope this isn't ruining your day. We don't have to come here again. There's a deli down the street that we can try next time." I smile.


"I really hope your having fun. I'm really sorry for the way I treated you before." I fall silent at the mention of that. "I had never took care of a human before. I guess I just didn't know how sensitive their feelings are." He leans down and gently kisses my hand. I blush.

Soon, Amy saunters back with our drinks.

"Here you go. One blood, and one lemonade." She smirks and glides away. I stare at the drink. it looks I shrug it off. It could be pink lemonade. Yeah, I bet it is.

I pop a straw in the drink. I lean down and take a sip from it. All of a sudden the taste of strawberries fills my mouth.

Oh no.

I choke on it, trying to get the lemonade out of my system. All along, I'm thinking, how did she know?

Harry looks at me concerned. Oh great. Just what I need.

"Evelyn, are you ok? Did you choke?"

"Strawberries!" I choke out as I gasp for breath. I can feel my throat closing. Why strawberries? Why not raspberries?
Because somehow she knew you were allergic to strawberries. Duh.

That #####! She ruined my day.

That was the point of her plan.

Oh yeah? Well she's gonna get it.

Get what? She's supernatural, you're a human.

Ugh! I hate being weak.

Harry rushes over to me, his phone at his ear.

"Yes. 911? Yes. Uh huh. I have an emergency. My girlfriend accidentally was given something she's allergic too at the Pizza Parlor on Westridge road, and she can't breath. Uh huh. Yeah, I think her throat is closing. Can she talk? I don't know, lemme check." He pulls the phone away from his ear. "Can you talk? Or even breath?" I'm sure my face is purple by now. I quickly shake my head, but it feels stiff. "No she can't! Please send help. Ok thanks. Ok bye."

He hangs up and wraps his arms around me, helping me to the door. He glares at a smirking Amy. He gives her the middle finger and her eyes widen and she stomps off. But not before giving me a mean glare.

I can hear sirens in the distance, as the ambulance zips over. Harry holds me close and whispers soothing words on my ear.

"Shh, everything will be ok. Hang in there, ok? Help is on the way."

That's the last thing I hear before I pass out.

A.N. Please vote and comment, thanks. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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