Chapter 16

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A.N. This chap will be REALLY short. Warning. :/


They put her on a stretcher and slide it onto the truck.

"Which hospital?" I ask, worried. The man in charge faces me and replies,

"The one downtown. Near the centre of the city."

"Ok thanks." I say and quickly dash out to my car. I slips inside and start the engine. Then I zip down the road as fast as I can. I check the clock.


The boys will start to worry if I don't call them. I guess I'll call them when I get to the hospital. Getting to the hospital is my number one priority right now.

When I get there, I pull into an illegal parking spot and dive into the hospital. I rush up to the desk, panting. The woman at the desk looks worriedly at me.

"Can I help you, sweetheart?" She asks me. I nod my head frantically, still trying to catch my breath. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to see Evelyn Mathews, please." She looks Evelyn up on her computer and says,

"Floor 7, room 101."

"Thanks." I say and dash towards the elevator.

After a long wait with boring elevator music, I finally get to the seventh floor. I rush to room 101 and knock on the door.

"Don't come in." The doctor's voice says. I frown.

"I'm her boyfriend!" I argue.

"I don't care. We aren't done yet. You'll have to  wait another hour."

You've got to be kidding me.

"Fine." I grumble and stomp off towards the waiting room to call the boys and wait for my poor girlfriend.

A.N. Told you it would be short. :/ Please vote and comment! Thanks a bunch. Love you. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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