Chapter 20

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"Mum! Look! It's Dad!" Harry calls as the war stretches out around them. Anne turns around just in time to see an arrow fly towards Desmond's heart. It stakes him in the heart, and his eyes roll to the back of his head. His body disintegrates into ashes, and they fall to the floor. A human, a woman, throws a lit match into the pile of ashes, and the ashes ignite in flames.

Anne stares at her ex-husband's ashes, watching as they burn. Tears well up in her eyes. Harry's staring in horror, before he lets of a scream. He rushes away, running into the forest, away from the war.

"One of them is getting away! The small curly one!" A man shouts. Anne throws herself at him. She punches him in the jaw. She then turns to look at Gemma. Gemma is kneeling by her father's ashes. She has her head in her hands. She lets out a sob.

When she looks up, she's no longer crying. Instead, she's smiling. In a sick way. She faces the woman who did it.

"Congrats. Just so you know, I'm a human and that was my father you just killed." Then she turns around and runs off into the woods, while the woman stares into the empty space where Gemma used to be, with wide eyes.


I'm so confused. Gemma was human? But she's a Brit! That's impossible. Dad told me that all Brits are evil and supernatural.

But wait....

Now that I go back.....

The man that said that Harry was getting away...who did that sound like?


My father.

And the woman that killed Desmond was my mother.

A.N. Please vote and comment! Thanks. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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