Chapter 45

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It's weird. It's like I was in a movie. Frozen in time. Angela's blank stare. Niall's look of fear. Minthy's look of determination. And that arrow. That big, pointy, arrow that was flying towards me at 100 mph.

I land with my face in the dirt.

I expect to feel pain  in my chest, but instead, I hear a grunting noise. I check my chest. No arrow. Phew. I slowly sit up and expect to see Harry, but instead I see Louis attacking Minthy. I wanna scream at him to fight her and get rid of her, but I can't. Even if she tried to kill me, I just can't.

"LOU!" I hear Harry cry and he tackles Minthy away from Louis. I rush over to see what went wrong. I feel ashamed that I got lost in my thoughts and clearly missed something important.

Then I see it.

It makes me freeze.

A terrible sensation shudders through my body as I stare at Louis.

The arrow is in his chest. A stake.

I fall on my knees by his body and cry. I cry and cry and cry and cry. I cry because I just lost a friend. I cry because my old family wants me dead. I cry because it should've been me to get stabbed, not him.

An utter feeling of hatred and sadness flows through my body. I sob my whole heart out. I feel crushed. The tears flow down my face. In the past, I've lost everything I've ever had. Family, friends, hope. Everything. And now I've lost even more. And it's utterly heartbreaking. I could never forgive myself for what I did. Never.

I whimper and hug Louis' cold body to me. I rest his head on my lap, my tears splashing on his cheeks. I brush them away.

"Louis please. Don't leave us. Don't leave Harry. Don't leave me." I whisper the last part. Louis was my best friend. I won't let him go.

All of a sudden, a feel a hand grip my shoulder. I wipe some of the tears away from my cheeks and look up. I'm surprised to see May.

"What do you want?" I snap. I was in no mood for her sour old woman attitude. She stares at me with a blank expression on her face.

"Give me the boy." I hug Louis to my chest.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because. You love him." A flash of emotion crosses her eyes. I hesitate.

"What are you gonna do to him?" She gazes off in the distance.

"Save him."

That was all I needed to hear.

I hand Louis over to her.

"Please be careful!" I say. "Please bring him back!" I wasn't sure how she would do it, but I was just hoping that whatever she did, would bring Louis back. I already miss him.

"You stay here, Edythe, and I'll bring him back soon."

"It's.....Evelyn!" I call after her. She looks at me with a pained expression her eyes.

"I know." I give her a confused look. "Take care, I'll make him feel better."

"Thank you." I say, still slightly confused. "Goodbye Louis." I whisper. "I'll see you soon."

A.N. See. I told you.

Please vote and comment, tysm.


So I'm going to be starting a new fanfiction soon, so be prepared for a special sneak peak! IT WILL NOT BE A SEQUAL TO THIS STORY. It will be a Larry Stylinson au. :)

Also, read my other story The Super One Direction Undercover Heroes! It's a boyxboy and the main character is Harry and the other boys, but mostly Harry. There may be a possible Larry too. :3

This might be the last girlxboy story I write. Hm....maybe not. idk yet.

ANYWAYS, I love you all so much and thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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