Chapter 44

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A.N. I'm sorry.


That was the first move. Now they all started. And all I could was watch with wide eyes.

I hear,

"DUCK!" and,

"RUN!" and,

"NO!" and,


All I wanted to do was cover my ears and cry.

"Evelyn, stay behind me." Harry orders. I look around him.

"Where's Julie?" I ask worried. Harry looks at me with a look of guilt on his face. My eyes widen.

"You didn't-? Did you-?" He nods his head. I fall silent. I chew on my lip until I'm sure to draw blood, before I just nod my head. "Yeah, I'll stay behind you." Harry looks relieved that I'm not mad. I'm not. I'm just a little sad. I grew up with Julie.

"JULIE!" Minthy wails. A girl Casey runs up to look at her dead body. Minthy looks up with fire in her eyes. 'I'M GONNA ######### KILL YOU YOU LITTLE ######## ###### ###!" She screeches as she charges at me.

"Minthy STOP!" Niall and Angela jump in front of me. Harry stays on edge.

"Don't. It's Evelyn. Remember Evelyn?" Angela whispers with sadness in her voice. Minthy freezes. She slowly nods her head, her face twisted with pain.

"It's me." I whisper. Minthy nods and takes a step back. Angela and Niall turn to face me. Angela tackles me in a hug.

"Oh Evelyn! I missed you so much!" She cries. I hug her back.

"I miss you too!" I cry back to her. She pulls back and Niall pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my neck. Harry stiffens. As Niall pulls back, his hand brushes a certain mark on my neck, and a little burn sizzles on my skin. Niall freezes. I freeze.

"Evelyn." He whispers. I gulp.

"Yes Niall?"

"What's on your neck." It was more like a demand then a question.

"Um....I cut myself?" I cried. Niall shakes his quickly, fear on his face.

"Y-You're one of them!" He cries, backing away. I frown.

"No I'm not. I'm human."

"Y-Your n-neck!" Niall shoves Angela back.

"Niall what th-" She, too, notices and her eyes grow wide.

"Your neck!" She gasps.

"It's just a mark!" I try and explain. "I'm human!" Niall shakes his head.

"You're not a human! You're like one of them now!" I shake my head, tears welling up in my eyes.

"No I'm not! I swear!"

"Get away from us!" Niall cries, backing away. I look to Angela desperately.

"Angela? You're not gonna do this are you? I'm human! I swear!" I plead. Angela just shakes her head. She whispers something in Minthy's ear while staring at me, her expression blank. Minthy nods and puts an arrow in her bow. She aims the bow. She pulls the arrow back.....

and shoots.

A.N. Before you think she dies, read on. You don't know if she dies or not. I mean, come on. You guys know me. Would I be stupid? Come on.


When Wattpad writes in two fonts. D:<

byeee. ilysm friends. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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