Chapter 13

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After breakfast, Harry took me upstairs.

"What would you like to do today?" He asks me. I just shrug, looking down at my lap as we sit on Harry's bed in his room. "We can do anything you want." My eyes widen and I look up at him.

"Really?" I say and then blush. Harry chuckles.

"Yes, really." He smiles, his dimples showing. I have to say, I like this Harry a lot better than the other one. This one is way nicer.

"Can we go ice skating?" I ask eagerly. I then blush a little again. Harry smiles.

"Of course! There's an ice skating rink nearby." I had no idea what a "rink" was, but I went along with it anyways.

I happily walk beside Harry as we make our way downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Louis asks as we head to the door.

"Ice skating. Wanna come?" Harry replies as we pause at the door, waiting for him to answer.

"Nahh. You two go and have fun." He winks and Harry blushes. I just blink, confused.

"Come on." Harry pulls on my arm as he gives Louis a playful glare. Louis just smirks and sits back in his seat. Still confused, I follow Harry out the door.


I don't know why this was the first thing that came to mind. I guess it was because before all this chaos happened, my mom used to ice skate. Now I guess I wanted to try it to, see why she enjoyed it so much.

We head up to the counter to get our skates. The British man gives me a glare, causing Harry to squint his eyes threateningly at the man, and wrap his arm around me. The man backs off and hands us our skates.

We put them on at the benches. Harry has to help me because I've never tied skates before.

"Alright. Are you ready?" He asks me, standing up on the skates with ease. I gulp. I don't think I can stand up.

"Um...." Harry sees me clinging the bench, still sitting, and chuckles a bit.

"Would you like some help?" I blush.

"Please." He reaches out for me and I take his hands. He pulls me up and I let out a little squeak. "Don't worry, I've got you." He says. He wraps his arms around me and leads me to the rink.

"Hold on to me and you'll be fine, ok? We'll start out slow." He holds me close to him and starts to skate with ease. His skates slide along the ice perfectly, while I have horrible visions of my choppy skating breaking the ice.

"Now I'm going to let go." I let out a small shriek and cling to him.

"Don't!" He laughs a little. I blush.

"You'll never learn then." I slowly look up at him. Right now, we're really close to each other. The sun glistens on his beautiful face. His green eyes sparkle. Two pink round circles are formed on his pale cheeks, making him look like a porcelain statue. A beautiful, work of art.

I shake the thoughts away. I'm seeming to forget the most important fact here. He's a Brit and I'm a human. This will never work out.

But maybe I wished that it would.

A.N. Please vote and comment! Congrats to the #Grammy winners. Adele, your performance was the best. The most beautiful and stunning. Anyways..thanks for reading friends! Love you. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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