Chapter 7

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After going to a few more shops, Liam and I decide that we have enough for her. I think she'll love this. Even if she hates us.

As we drive home, I can't help thinking about her. She's perfect. I love everything about her. Her long, beautiful, auburn colored hair, her perfect blue eyes, her small pink lips, her beautiful flawless skin. She's amazing.

Before I know it, we're home. Liam and I get out of the car and head inside. Zayn's sitting down at the table in the kitchen, reading a newspaper and sipping coffee.

"She's upstairs with Louis." He says, without glancing up from the paper.

"Ok thanks." I say as Liam and I unload the things inside. Zayn jumps up to help Liam and I bring the bags upstairs. I go up the door and open it up.

The first thing I see is Louis' back to us. He turns around and smiles weakly.

"I'm making her breakfast. It's cooking right now. She was sleeping before." He says. I step around him to look at Evelyn. Her blue eyes are wide in fear.

"We bought you some things." I say with a smile. She sinks back down in the bed, causing my smile to vanish. I clear my throat. "I'll just unpack them." I say awkwardly.

After Liam, Zayn, and I have unpacked everything, they leave the room along with Louis (who's going to get Evelyn's breakfast) and I walk over to sit down next to Evelyn. Of course she finches away from me, causing me to frown.

"You know, I won't hurt you unless you make me mad. If you don't make me mad, then we won't have a problem." I say. Evelyn stiffens.

"My mother said to never trust a Brit." She whispers. I bite my lip.

"Evelyn, you don't need to worry about anything. Don't you see? You're safer with us. No one can hurt you anymore."

"Yeah unless I make you mad." She mumbles under her breath. But of course I hear.

"Do you plan on making me mad?" She quickly shakes her head no. "Then I think you'll be fine."

I move over to sit closer to her. She tries to back away, but I wrap my arms around her. She cringes.

"Don't be afraid." I say softly. She sniffles.

"I wish it was that easy." She whispers, her eyes watering. It breaks my heart to see her cry. I pull back a little bit, and tilt her chin up so that she's forced to look into my eyes. Blue meets green.

"I'm going to make your life so much better." I say gently. "Please don't be upset. You have a permanent home now. You have people to care for you." Evelyn stiffens.

"I did have people to care for me before." She says through her tears. I sigh.

"I know. But it's better now. We can protect you. We don't plan on killing you anytime soon either." I tighten my grip on her. She flinches.

"My friends..."

"Don't worry about them right now, ok?"


"Don't make me mad."

"Ok, ok!" She sobs. "Please just don't hurt me." She covers her face with her hands and cries. I rub her back lightly.

"Please, baby....don't cry." She cringes at my words. "I didn't mean to upset you. And when I hurt you earlier....I'm so sorry for that. But I'm telling you now. If you make me mad, I will hurt you." I say the last part firmly. This only causes her to cry even harder.

"Go away!" She sobs. I shake my head.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone when you're like this. Now please stop crying. You're gonna make yourself sick." She sniffles and tries to wipe the tears away, but more keep coming.

"I just want to go home." She whispers.

"And where would that be?" She flinches and I immediately feel sorry. "Sorry...I didn't mean it like that." I give her a gentle hug. She doesn't hug me back.

"The cottage." She whispers. "Where my family is." I shake my head.

"You have a new family now." I say firmly. She glares at me through her tears.

"I'll never count you as family." She says coldly. Now I flinch.

Before I can say anything, Louis bounds through the door with a tray of food on it.

"Breakfast!" He chirps. He sets it down in front of Evelyn. She backs away.

"I'm not hungry." She whispers. Louis' smile fades.

"Oh." He says quietly.

"What are you planning on doing? Starving yourself?" I snap. She sinks down.

"It's better than living here." She whispers. I clench my fists.

"Don't even say that! You barely had a home before I came along!" I growl at her. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. They stream down her cheeks.

"Harry..." Louis says.

"Shut up." I snap. Louis looks hurt. I face Evelyn. "Stop crying 'cause this is gonna be your life from now on! There's no sympathy or letting you go! So just shut up and deal with it!" I practically shout. Evelyn's skin pales. Louis glares at me.

"Harry, I think you should go." He says coldly.

"Fine!" I growl. I storm out f the room and slam the door behind me. The last thing I hear is Evelyn crying really hard, before I leave the house.

A.N. "It's been a long day, without you my friend...and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again..." lol this song just came to mind. :3 Please vote and comment! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Uh oh...Harry blew up. Predictions? Thanks for reading, I love you all so much. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night! (Happy Holidays btw). Byee! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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