Chapter 6

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"Oh, she'll love this!" Liam exclaims. I roll my eyes but smile. My friend Liam and I are going shopping for things for Evelyn. I had Louis and Zayn (Zayn is also a friend of mine, and Zayn and Liam live with me too) stay home with the rest of our friends. Louis is in charge of watching over Evelyn.

"Let's get it." I say. He nods and adds it to the cart.

After a while of shopping, we get her a good amount of things. We drive to a last store to get a few more things.



I sit down on the edge of the bed, watching Evelyn sleep. She's snuggled into the covers. I smile. Harry did pick a good one. They'll be perfect together.

Evelyn shifts and then slowly opens her eyes. When she sees me, her eyes widen and she lets out a piercing scream.



I slowly open my eyes. When I see Louis leaning over me, my eyes widen and I scream. I jump back, clutching the covers in fear. Louis forces a smile.

"Good morning, love." He says sweetly. I tremble. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." He says softly. He pulls me into a hug, causing me to go very still. He rubs my back.

"Harry and our friend Liam went out to get some things for you. Like clothes, shoes, and all that." I gulp. "I'm in charge of you until Harry gets back." My stomach lurches. I don't feel too good.

He gets up and disappears for a moment. He then retreats back with a glass of water. He hands it to me.

"Here you go. I thought you might be thirsty. Are you hungry? I'll go make you breakfast." He hurried out of the room. I set the glass down on the nightstand closest to the door. I don't want their poison.

I roll over and hide my face under the pillow and covers. I am in no mood for any Brits today. Sadly, I live with them now. I shudder at the thought of that. Louis soon returns and sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Your breakfast is cooking downstairs." He says with a smile. I ignore him and his smile falls. I'm too lost in my thoughts to even notice right now.

I wonder what Niall and Angela are doing now. I bite my lip. Are they worried? What if they got caught too? What if Harry and Liam aren't really going shopping? What if they're turning my friends in? My heart gives a painful thump in my chest. I don't even want to think about that. Harry pro-

But he didn't. Harry didn't promise anything.



After a while, I decide that I have no luck at all. There's barely anything left around here.

I'm just about to head back when all of a sudden I hear a scream. My eyes widen. My first instinct-hide. I rush to a nearby fallen roof of a house and duck behind it. I jump when I notice someone is already there. I'm about to run, until a familiar voice hisses,

"It's me, you idiot." Oh. Angela. She doesn't sound like she's in a good mood anymore. I wonder what happened.

"Oh, sorry. Where's Evelyn?" I ask. An awful thought comes in mind.

What if that scream belonged to Evelyn?

"I dunno." Angela says, chewing her lip nervously. I gulp.

"You don't think....?" She looks at me wide eyed. We're both thinking the same thing.

Evelyn got caught.

A.N. Please vote and comment! Sorry it was short! :( Love you all and thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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