Chapter 47

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I try and focus on the fact that the war is getting more intense, but I'm still worried about Louis. Will he be alright?


So now you decide to reason with me?


You are so difficult.

Focus on the troubles at hand, idiot.

Humph. Whatever.

I focus on what's happening in front of me. I notice that Minthy is lying in a pool of her own blood. I can't help but feel....satisfied. If she hadn't shot that arrow, Louis would still be alive.

But she meant for it to hit you.

Thanks for that.

Just stating the facts.

I sigh, realizing that there's no way to reason with my conscious.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Niall tackles me from behind. Harry is busy repeatedly stabbing Minthy's heart with an arrow while cursing at her. I have to look away.

"Niall! Get off of me!" I snap. I struggle under him, but Niall's always been stronger than me.

"Sorry, but no can do. Betrayer's don't deserve to live." He snaps back, his tone bitter. I fall into silence. He's right. I did betray them. Well, I guess now's the time to tell the truth.

"Niall, listen to me first.." He looks annoyed. "Please?"

"You have three minutes." He says, his voice the same as before. Bitter as ever.

"Harry is my soulmate." I quickly say. "He's the Brit over there." I point out Harry. Niall grimaces.

"He was so nice to me, ell, except at first. But then he changed and was so nice to me! Niall, his family died because of humans! We killed his family." I say softly. Niall shakes his head.

"What? So now you're on the Brits' side? Is that I? Huh? Gosh ###### ##### ####! Answer me!" Niall yells, shaking me. I flinch.

"He's my mate." I whisper. Niall waits intently. "And....and..." I try to convince myself to keep these words to myself, but I just can't anymore.

"I love him."

Niall freezes. His jaw clenches. He slips his hand behind his back and pulls out a gun.

"Three minutes are up." I freeze. Is he really gonna kill me?

"Niall! Why are you doing this to me?" I whisper, on the verge of tears. "I'm your best friend!"

"WAS my best friend. Now shut up and lemme do this." I blink back my tears and close my eyes as the gun presses to my temple, excepting my fate.

There's a gun shot.

But instead of me being shot, Niall lays on the floor with blood pouring from his chest. My eyes roam up to the killer, and fid Harry glaring down at the body.

"Than-" Before I can finish my thank you, Angela comes out of no where with a stake. She's charging at Harry and I don't even think. I pick up Niall's gun and shoot her. She falls to the floor before th stake can get near Harry.

I drop the gun.

I stare in horror and my two ex-best friends. They're right. I did betray them.

My eyes scan the area. Barely any humans left. My eyes scanned the crowd and I counted how many humans were left, not counting me.


They were all adults, and they looked close to dying anyways. I just have to cry.

Harry comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my shoulder. I cry and turn around so that my face is in his chest. I can't hold it back anymore. It's just....too much.

I sob into him, there, in the middle of the courtyard, feelings of guilt and sick satisfaction flowing through me. I hear a few plops, and there you have it.

I was officially the last human left on Earth.

A.N. Ohhh it's going down for real. #GDFR



That's my way of saying THANK GOD IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY.

Thanks for reading, I love you all tons! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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