Chapter 48

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All of the Brits eventually start to file out, but I stay put. Finally, I can't stand it anymore. I don't want to look out at the people I once loved and know that I helped in killing them.

I need to get out of here.

I take off running towards the woods with all the speed that I can get. I can hear Harry calling my name from behind me, but Liam stops him. I'll come back Harry. I always will. But right now, I just needed to be alone.

I run until I have to stop to catch my breath. I guess it's funny that no matter what destiny I choose, I always end up running from something or someone. It's sad.

I collapse by a willow tree. I bury my face in my hands and sob. The willows leaves sway softly, stroking my hair with their long leaves, and singing me a soft lullaby.

Why does the willow weep?

What secrets does she keep?

Is there a broken heart,

beating beneath the bark?

Hidden in the dark...

Are the limbs that bow,

Arms that are empty now.

The song continues.

Why does the willow weep?

Who's solace does she seek?

I'm interrupted from listening to the beautiful song when rain starts to patter down. Great. Rain. Just what I need.

I lay there, under the willow tree, as the rain soaks me. I listen to the soothing song of the willow, as I drift to sleep. And when I wake up, everything will be ok.

A.N. Sorry it was short. The song was a clip from Why Does The Willow Weep by Ruth Elaine. I didn't so the whole song. It's beautiful tho. Please vote and comment! I love you all so much, thanks so much for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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