Chapter 26

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"You ready to test out these guns?" Angela adds some bullets into hers. I smirk and hoist up my gun.

"Ready as ever." The targets come swivelling at us. They come in pairs. They're supposed to look like Brits. Well, some of them. The ones that are Brits have a capital B on them. The ones that are supposed to be our family, have a capital H for human. Apparently, it's good to know who you're shooting before you regret it in the end. When Julie implied that, none of us argued.

"Get that one over there!" Angela shouts. Angela is a really sweet girl, but she can be tough when she wants to. When it's fight or war time, Angela is no longer sweet.

"I've got it!" Mitchy, an older girl in our family says. She's about 18 and is one of the best fighters we have. She has a scar down the left side of her face that's been there for as long as we've known her. We haven't asked her about it though. I honestly think everyone is scared too.

"Smooth one, Mitch." Julie comments as Mitchy knows down the cardboard Brit. Mitchy high fives her.

"That's how I roll." She says cooly.

I remember that one day when Mitchy was out looking for weapons, me and some other teens our age, including Angela, we're talking about her. We wondered if Mitchy was a secret Brit herself, because gosh that girl is strong. But we dropped the convo when Nancy overhear us and got mad.

"Whoops!" We all turn to look at Frank, one of the worst fighters we have. Instead of giving him a real gun, we gave him a plastic one so he wouldn't shoot himself by accident. We watch as a cardboard H falls down. Julie's eyes widen.

"You have to be careful! What if that was a real human? That would leave us with 151, if Evelyn is still alive." We all cringe at the last part. Julie sighs. "Don't you all stop. Get back to work and be more careful. That goes for you too, Frank."

"Yes Ma'am." Frank salutes. Julie gives him a cold stare and he instantly gets back to work.

A.N. Sorry they've been so short. Short and frequent is better than long and long. Updating, I mean. Please vote and comment! I really hope you enjoy this story, I love writing it. This is one of my favorites so far, besides my book Alien, another H.S fanfic. Check it out. ;) Anyways, thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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