Chapter 8

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I'm not sure what to do. I just hurt an amazing girl's feelings. I hate myself right now.

Walking around in the woods, I glare at the forest floor. My feet crunch against useless leaves and twigs. My footsteps then slow when I come to an end of the forest. The broken and ruined city flashes into my mind. The city where I found Evelyn. I sigh, thinking about it.

Then I remember something.

She said there was others, didn't she? In the cabin, I think she said. I bite my lip and shake the thought away. I can't do that to her. Those are the people she cares about. But then again, I'm a Brit, and that's what I do....

But I care about Evelyn. It would be horrible to see her go through such pain, with watching her loved ones get taken away. She's already miserable and hates me. I don't need to ruin this for myself anymore than I already did.

I sit down under a tree and rest for a minute. I just need to relax and let off some steam. I know I hurt Evelyn's feelings. I know that she probably won't ever forgive me.

But I also know that I can't sit here forever. Eventually I have to go back. So I decide to just go back now.


Tears stream down my face as I lay curled up into a small ball in bed. I don't even want to think about what just happened, because I might just start to cry again.

Louis tried to talk to me earlier, but I ignored him so he left the room. Now I'm all alone, feeling even more miserable as ever. I guess I just didn't want to think that Harry meant those things.

But it doesn't matter anyways. I hate him. And he made it pretty obvious that he hates me. I'm not sad about that. I'm perfectly fine.

Are you sure?

Yes I'm sure. I snap to my conscious. I don't need it telling me what to do.

Really? 'Cause I could've saved your arse if you had listened to me and stayed behind the counter.

He would have found me anyways.

Hmm, maybe not. You never know.

But at least I tried to escape. Better than just sitting there like a bump on a log.

You have to use your head. Don't think about what other people would do. Use strategy.

Well it's too late now.

I sigh. Con is right. If I had just listened to it....I wouldn't be here. But instead I had to go with my own stupid plan. And look where that got me.

All of a sudden, the door opens. I cringe and hide under the covers. I can't see who it is, because my back is faced to the door, and now I have the covers over my head. There's a sigh.



Before I can stop myself, the words come tumbling out.

"GO AWAY YOU JERK!!" It goes eerily silent in the room. I kind of expect Harry to come up behind me with a chainsaw or a knife, but instead I hear his footsteps come over to the bed. I cringe into the bed, trying to go by unnoticeable. Doesn't work.

"What did you say to me?" He asks casually. I'm kind of worried right now....he's acting so calm. Not at all how I expected him to be. I expected him to be mad, and angry, and for him to blow up on me. This is weird..."Go ahead. Say it." He says with an almost threatening tone. I gulp.

"I-I a-away p-please."

"Really? I could of sworn you said something like "Go away you jerk." Hm. Weird how that turns out." I feel him sit down in the bed on my side. I inch back. He pulls the covers back, causing me to gasp. "You liar!" He shouts. "Don't you ever speak to me like that, got it?" I sink down in fear. But for some reason, my mouth is speaking its own today.

"Or you'll what? Kill me?" I whisper. He stiffens.

"Punish you." He corrects.

"Look at me. Do you really think I can survive that kind of thing?" My voice keeps getting softer and less confident the more I speak. Harry sighs and runs a hand through his curls.

"Well then it won't be that bad. But enough to punish you, that's for sure." He looks down. "I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to be so rude and harsh with you." I don't reply. "It was stupid of me to say those things. I don't mean them. And I don't hate you. I actually really like you." He smiles at me. I don't return it, causing his smile to fade. He sighs again and gets up.

"Well, nice chat that was. Why don't you stay here for a little bit? I'll turn the TV on." He turns on the TV and then walks back over to me. He leans down and gently kisses my forehead, causing me to flinch in fear and shock. Harry smiles, dimples showing. I feel my face flush and grow hot.

"I'll be back soon, ok? And just remember, I could never hate you." He says the last part more serious. He then walks out of the room, leaving me alone and confused.

A.N. Heyyyooo peeps. Please vote and comment! Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been pretty busy. :/ I love you all so much, thanks for reading! Byee! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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