Chapter 42

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We rush out to the courtyard. Harry had told me to stand by him at all times. He told me not fight. I wouldn't.

All of the other Brits were already here. I spot Zach at one point. He waves but I don't wave back.

I also spot May. It's kind of odd that she came. I mean, I know she's a Brit and all, but she usually never comes out of her little book store. I never see her around. Of course there are a lot of Brits around here. But still.

"Where are the rest?" I whisper to Harry. I refuse to call the people who killed my soulmates family, my family. It doesn't work that way. I may not be a blood related Brit, but I feel as if I am part of their family now.

Over the weeks, the Brits around here started to treat me like one them. I felt welcome.

I never felt threatened, and I stopped crying every night. The only thing that was weird was that one of the Brits was always around where I was. He would watch me. And he was older. It's creepy.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Harry answers my previous question.

"Here they come."

"Whoa." I say as the other side comes walking comes walking up to us. The government officials of the Brits step in front of us as the other side emerges from the woods.

"How'd you get here so fast?" One if the government officials taunts. "Did you use super speed?" They glare at him.

I notice the stakes in their hands and I start to get nervous. I grab Harry's hand and squeeze it. I can't let them take Harry away from me. Or the other boys.

Maybe I can try and talk some sense into them? I mean, I was once their family. Maybe they'll listen and reason with me. Maybe I can make a difference.

Ha like that's gonna happen.

Who's side are you on?


"Harry?" I poke his shoulder. He glances down at me. I notice that he looks a little tense, and I wonder if he has the same worries as I do. That we'll lose the ones we care about.

"Yes?" He asks.

"What if I talked to them first? I know every 151 of them by heart. Maybe they'll listen." Harry shakes his head.

"They could attack you, Evelyn. I don't want anything bad happening to you." He says concerned. I shake my head.

"No they won't. They'll understand, and then maybe they'll back off." Harry bites his lip.

"I don't know about this. It's dangerous."

"But I'm willing to take that risk. Besides, what if it actually works?" Harry sighs.

"Fine. But I'll be ready and prepared to fight them if they try anything." He warns. I smile at him.

"Thank you."

I push all of the Brits out of my way and make my way to the front of the crowd. They all look at me like I'm crazy. Finally, I come to where they are. My old family. And then I see them.

Niall and Angela. And Julie. And all the others.


A feeling of worry rushes to me, making me nervous. Why isn't she here? I notice that by now Niall and Angela have noticed me. There eyes widen and they rush forward but Julie and another girl Minthy hold them back.

"We don't know what they did to her." Julie whispers to them. Angela shoots her a dirty look.

"Who cares! She's my best friend and she's alive!" Angela cries. "Aren't you happy that she's alive?" She whispers the last part. Julie's staring at me like I'm some creature. Like I'm a freak. I guess now I understand what the Brits feel like everyday.

"Don't go near her. There's something wrong with her." Julie says quietly.

"Shut up! I'm going to see her." Niall says. They try to walk forward again, but again Julie and Minthy hold them back.

"Cut the ##### there's nothing wrong with me!" I growl. I take a step forward but Julie holds her bow back in her arrow and points it at me.

"Don't come any closer!" She warns.

"What th-" One second I was standing gawking at Julie and the next second I'm on the ground. At first, I think I've been shot with the arrow. But then I see Harry getting up from tackling me to the ground. He lunges at Julie just as I yell,


"YOU ######## ####### ######### ######## SO ############# ########### GET AWAY FROM HER YOU ######### ####### ####### YOU WANNA SEE A MONSTER? I'LL SHOW YOU A MONSTER YOU LITTLE PIECE OF ##### ########!" Harry screams at her. He grabs the arrow from her in one swift move, and the war begins.

A.N. The drama. -yawns- Please vote and comment! That would totally be amazing cause you guys are awesome and want credit for reading so you're gonna push that little star and push the little speech bubble and make a kind comment. ;3 That was a mouthful. More like a....handful...idk what would you even call that for computers?

Ok so I really need emojis right now. EMOJI WITHDRAWEL.

I'm going to go before I get any weirder.

BY THE WAY THIS STORY IS ALMOST OVER. -cries- don't hate meh I can't write forever. :3


twtr: fearless_heroes

okieeees bye. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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