Chapter 35

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The door swings open. It's Tuesday, and I'm at the book store working. I've taken some time to think about the information that Harry had given me, and now I feel a little bit better. I guess I should just ignore all of the bad side effects and think about the good side effects. Harry and I are soulmates. With those thoughts in my mind, I was able to get through the day pretty normal yesterday. And today, I'm hoping to do even better.

"Could you help me find the vampire section please?" An older boy who looked to be about 19 said. He was wearing all black and had violet colored eyes and black hair.

"Um...sure." I say, even thought I'm feeling a little bit uncomfortable. He keeps looking me up and down and licking his lips. He's attractive, but Harry is way better. Also, I'm actually dating Harry. >.<

"Right this way." I say as I lead him over to the vampire/supernatural part of the store. He licks his lips, his eyes turning darker.

"Thanks, hotty." I clear my throat awkwardly.

"You're welcome." I rush towards the pile of books I had been stacking before. I don't want to disappoint May on my second day.

But, the boy roams back over to me.

"Did you find a book you like? I can check you out at the front desk." He chuckles.

"Can I just check you out? You look hot." His eyes glow. I gulp and take a step back.

"Um...actually...I have a boyfriend...." He frowns.

"Oh." He says.

"Yeah..." I say, trailing off. "So would you like to buy a book?" I look In his hands. He doesn't even have a book.

"I'm Zach."

"Uh......nice you, Zach. But I really should finish stacking these books. So if you don't mind, could you go somewhere else? Or maybe my boss can check a book out for you. I'm a little busy and I need to focus. Thanks." I face the shelves again and start to stack the books in order on them.

"Feisty, I like em' feisty." Oh my gosh this guy. I spin around to face him.

"Could you go?"

"Mmm...and you're a human too? This just keeps getting better." My face grows hot.

"If you're gonna bother me, then leave."

"Whoa, chill there hot stuff. I'm just messing around." I sigh.

"Well could you not? I really am busy here."

"Do you dig vampires?" He ignores.

"Yeah. My boyfriend is one." He lets out a low growl. I gulp. Oh great. I just made a vampire mad. Not the best decision I could've made.

"Well then why don't you tell him-"

"Tell him what?" Cold, strong, arms wrap around my waist. Relief washes over me. Zach glares at Harry.

"To ######## off." He snaps. Harry growls.

"You talk like that to me or my girlfriend ever again, and I'll break your neck. Your lucky I'm letting this slide." Zach rolls his eyes.

"Go ahead and try. I'm not afraid of you."

"Oh really? Because the last time I checked I'm way more powerful then you. I'm not just a vampire, I have more powers." Sweat starts to form on Zach's forehead causing me to stifle a laugh.

"Whatever." He snaps. "Stupid store." He storms out of the store. Harry glares at him as he disappears.

When he's gone, Harry grabs my hand and starts to drag me towards the door.

"Harry...? What are you doing?"

"Yes, what are you doing?" May snaps.

"Taking her home." Harry snaps back to May. May glares at him.

"Oh really?"

"Harry please don't, I'm gonna loe my job."

"Well last time I checked you were the only person working for her." May glares at him again.

"You better come back on Thursday!" She scolds to me. "FULL time!" I nod my head.

"Yes ma'am."

Harry continues to drag me out the door and to his car. I'm still confused as to how he knew I was being cornered by that guy Zach. How did he know I was in trouble?

"Harry? Can I ask you something?"

"Yes?" He starts the car, staring at the road and pulling out of the parking lot.

"How did you know I was in trouble?"

"It's a soulmate thing. I get this feeling that something in my gut isn't right when you're in trouble. Then I have a vision so I can find you and bring you back to safety."

"Oh." Well knowing that, I feel a little bit better. Maybe this whole soulmate thing isn't as bad as I thought it was.

A.N. Please vote and comment! Thanks a bunch, I love you guys so much! Have a good day/night! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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