Chapter 41

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"I don't understand! Why would they call one now?"

"I don't know. But we have to meet in the courtyard by 5:30 or else we could lose."

"Lose to humans? Pathetic."

"Harry I'm serious. Apparently they trained really well."

"Oh yeah? Well we have powers. We can beat them even if we miss a few people. We don't have to go, Lou."

"Yes we do! Everyone does."

"No we don't."

"Harry, I know you don't wanna bring Evelyn, but we have to. This is for our side."

"Side. It's all about sides."

" you remember tour family?"



"Do you remember what happened to them?"



"Do you remember how it happened?"



"Then show how much you care. Show them who you're fighting for. Not just for our side, but for your family."

"But Ev-"

"She'll be fine. No human who ever kill one of their kind."

"They killed Gemma."


"Harry, they didn't know. She was British."

"That shouldn't mean anything!"

"Harry, I know you're upset, but Evelyn will be fine."

"And what about you guys?"

"We'll be ok too."

"You promise?"


"Ok good. I'm counting on you."


I slowly open my eyes. What was that all about? I was planning on sleeping in, but I guess not. What were they even talking about anyways? And what did I have to do with it? This is kind of worrying me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the door opens. Oh. I guess I didn't realize that Harry wasn't beside me.

But in comes Harry. And for some reason, he looks upset. Maybe it has to do with what I heard them talking about it.

"Evelyn, something bad is about to happen." I frown.

"What do you mean?"

"The humans called a war."

This is the part where everything changes.

A.N. It's short but whatever. Ok so things are gonna get really interesting and you may be mad at me for some yeah. Please vote and comment! Thanks a bunch, I love you guys so much. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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