Chapter 21

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I'm brought into another flashback.


"Harry run!" Anne screams. She watches as Harry stares with wide eyes at his mother. An arrow made of oak wood tears through her heart, her eyes rolling back in her head.

"NO!" Harry screams. He watches as his mother falls t her death, and turns to ashes.

Then they light her ashes on fire.

Harry screams as the humans charge at him. He shoves them away.


He gets up and runs off, but stops dead in his tracks.

Gemma is lying lifelessly on the grounds with a bullet in her heart.

"No." He whispers. The world starts to spin.

He takes off running again, diving into the forest. He then throws himself on the ground, and throws himself into a fit of cries and screams. He then eventually lasses out.


The person that killed Anne...they look familiar. Who was it? I can try to remember....I know it was a man....who was it! Then I remember.

The farmer sobbing over his pregnant wife as my father tells him that his wife can't have the baby.

That's who kill Anne.

The farmer.

But who killed Gemma?

A.N. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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