Chapter 22

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I'm shot into another flashback, the last one. This one picks up where the last one left off.


"Is he dead?"

"I'm not sure."

"What  do you think happened to him?"

"I dunno. Let's try and wake him up."

Harry feels soft hands shaking him.

"Hello there. Are you awake?"

No response.

"Curly? Are you dead?" Harry slowly opens his eyes. His green eyes meet blue ones. He jumps back and let's out a small shriek. The blue eyed boy chuckles. He looks to be about 16.

"He's alive." The boy says. He has feathery brown hair, and he's wearing jeans, a striped shirt, suspenders, and toms. He smiles down at him. "I'm Louis. Need a hand?" Harry slowly nods his head and grabs Louis' hand as Louis helps him up. "So are you gonna tell me your name?"

"I'm Harry." Harry says shyly.

"I figured." Louis replies. Harry looks at him confused. "You look like a Harry." Louis explains. Harry blinks at him.

"Um...thanks?" There's a few chuckles behind him. Harry jumps slightly, then blushes. Louis steps aside, revealing two other boys, that look 14 and 15.

"I'm Liam." One boy (the 14 year old) says with light brown hair and soft brown eyes. He's wearing a flannel shirt, jeans, and converse. He smiles at Harry. Harry smiles back. He seems nice.

"That's Zayn." Louis says. Zayn is the 15 year old. He nods cooly at Harry. Harry smiles at him. Zayn has black spiked up hair, and dark brown eyes. He's wearing a navy blue and white varsity jacket, skinny jeans, and sneakers. He has his hands shoved in his pockets and he's staring intensely.

"Why are you here?" Louis asks.

" kind of ran away." Harry sort of lies.

"Oh." Is all Louis says. Liam suddenly perks up.

"Would you like to come stay with us? We live alone. Louis takes care of us." He gestures to him and Zayn. Louis sort of smiles at Harry.

"Really?" Harry says with wide eyes.

"Sure, why not?" Louis says. "But I have to warn you, we're a wild bunch." He winks and then turns around. "Alright lads, let's hit the road."

"You drive at 16?" Harry asks cautiously. Louis rolls his eyes.

"Who doesn't?"

A.N. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading. Also, thank you to the people who read the flashback chapters. Dear people who skipped them, you're gonna be very confused in the end. :D Ok thanks and byee! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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