Chapter 14

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I stare at Evelyn. Her beautiful auburn colored hair, with hints of black in it. Her gorgeous blue eyes, they look like little heavens. Her perfect pink lips, her rosy cheeks, giving her face a beautiful blush. She's perfect. So perfect.

I wish she were mine.


"How about this, I'll hold onto your hand while you skate. Deal?" I'm a little nervous to agree, I've never had any experience with skating before, but soon I say,

"Deal." Harry smiles.

"Good. Now you might wanna hold on tight." His smile turns into a smirk. I let out a little squeak as he lets go and grabs my hand.

"I don't think I can do this!" I cling to his arm. He laughs.

"Come on, Evelyn. Try. It'll be fun, I promise." I bite my lip and chew on it. Well ok. I guess I could try. I mean, I'm 17 and I'm kind of acting like a baby right now. If my mother could do it, then so can I.

I steady myself as Harry lets go and grabs my hand.

"Ready?" He asks me. I nod my head confidently. "Here we go!"

Suddenly, we're zooming down the rink and circling around. Harry grips my hand tighter as we swirl into a figure 8. I feel so free, so alive. Now I know why Mom liked this so much. I feel great.

My auburn hair blows in the breeze. It used to be black when I was little, but somehow it's changed to auburn. But I'm fine with it, because my mother had auburn hair. At least that's what Dad said. I haven't really met my mother. And now it's too late.

I feel wrong for having fun with a Brit while my family is in hiding. I feel like a betrayal. Like I've somehow turned against my family. I shouldn't be having fun. I should be moping around, wishing to return "home".

But Harry's right. I didn't have a home before. Now I do. If Harry and his friends treat me like they are at this very moment, then maybe I can live with this. Maybe I can be happy. Maybe.

As much as I want to, I know I can't fix the past. This is my life now, and I have to except that. There's no going back. There's no changing what happened in that super market a few days ago. This is my life now and I can't change that. So I just have to try and deal with it. Which hopefully shouldn't be hard.


"That's a crazy idea!" Julie exclaims. I shake my head.

"That's what I thought at first, but trust me, it could work." Nancy lifts her head up from where she was hiding it in her hands. She shakes her head with a sad look on her face.

"We can't declare another war. The Bums won the last one. They can win this one too. There's no fighting back. We've lost." She sobs. Angela and I exchange frightened looks. Nancy never gives up. She's always up for a fight. What has happened?

"But we have to! We need to get Evelyn back! We need to get our lives back. I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick of staying in hiding all the time. I want to be free, to discover new things. Don't any of you want that?" Angela whispers the last part.

"I do." I say and raise my hand. One by one, our family slowly starts to raise their hands and say,

"I do."

Finally, Nancy and Julie are the only ones left. Julie clears her throat and slowly raises her hand.

"I guess I do too." We all clap and cheer, but then Nancy interrupts us with a dead and angry look in her once kind eyes.

"No." We stop cheering. The cottage falls silent. "No." She says a little bit louder. "No one leaves, everyone will stay here. There will be no war. I don't want to hear another word about it. Understood?" It's silent. Then she turns around and walks out of the room.

A.N. That woman needs to chill. :D Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading, I love you all. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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