Chapter 4

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"Come on, love. Follow me." He pulls me along with him as he takes me to a fancy looking car. A black Mercedes. He opens the door for me, but I don't get in. He sighs. "Let's not start this again. Get in the car."

"Please don't take me there." I beg. Tears stream down my face. This is exactly what I've been afraid of. A Brit finding me and taking me to their side. Now I now how the other humans had felt when they were being taken away. Scared. Helpless. Useless. Upset. Mad. Sick. Nervous. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I blinked rapidly to try and prevent more tears from falling down my cheeks, but it doesn't help. They just keep coming.

"Look, I know you don't trust me and all...but soon you will. And I want you to know, that as long as you do what I say, you'll be safe. Some Brits....don't like humans. Just stay with me and I'll protect you, ok? I know this is gonna be hard for you. I'm so'll forgive me someday. But can't you see my people are only trying to help? Where do the humans go? Looking for things to survive, when they can just come over to us? Do we need to spell it out for you? We're helping all of you."

"By forcing us to stay with you?" I whisper. "That doesn't sound like helping to me." He sighs.

"It does seem like that, I guess." He runs a hand through his curls. "I really am sorry, Evelyn. Please don't be upset. I'll give you everything and anything you want, as soon as we get to my house, which is where you'll be staying from now on."

From now on. I hate those three words. Almost as much as I hate the words I love you. The last words my father ever said to me before he was taken away by one of these stupid Brits. Before I know it, I'm crying all over again.

"Shhh, it's ok. Don't cry, baby. Everything will be fine." He wraps his arms around me, hugging me close to him, which causes me to flinch. Why is he doing this? He was so mean before...and now he's all gentle...I'm confused.

Well it's better than him being mean, now is it? I'm backkkkk.

What do you want?

Just to say "I told you so". I TOLD YOU SO!

Shut up! I can get out of this.

Oh really? You're gonna fight against a supernatural?

I fall silent.

I didn't think so.

"Evelyn, please get in the car. You look tired. The sooner we get there, the sooner you can sleep. On an actual bed this time." He adds the last part with a smile. I haven't slept on a bed in a while...but that's ok. I didn't mind the sleeping bags that Nancy provided. She spent a long time trying to find 152 of them, so we were all thankful.

And truly, us humans are thankful for everything we get. But the Brits just keep wanting more. And they can get more. Because they just can.

Knowing I have no choice, I slowly get in the car. Harry straps me in, as if I'm not capable of doing it myself. I notice that the strap is more difficult though. It has a top part, too.

"So you don't escape." He says with a weak smile.

"It's too tight." I whisper. He sighs.

"I know. Just hang in there, alright? It'll all be over soon, I promise. I'll get you to my house safely in no time." He kisses my forehead, causing me to gasp in shock. He gives me another weak smile, for getting into the seat next to me, and starting to drive away.

A.N. ATTENTION! This story is not racist! I love British people, they are lovely. :) I just want to say that. They are obviously wonderful human beings in real life, so I'm not being rude or saying they are bad people. You will see more and more as the story goes on. Please vote and comment! I love you all so much and thank you for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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