Chapter 19

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A.N. You're welcome for the spring of updates. :)


I'm brought into another flashback immediately, as I'm brought even further back in time.


"Desmond, I've had enough of you! You just don't get it, do you? All you think about is yourself! Don't you ever think about the kids? They needed you! They need a father that's there for them, and you clearly proved to me that you're not the one for that job. Well then if you're not gonna take care of them, or me, and you're gonna keep thinking about yourself and not others for a change, then we're done. I'm sorry, but I can't put up with your bull anymore. It's over." Anne has tears streaming down her face. Desmond stares at Anne with hurt in his eyes.

"Well then." Is all he says. Anne let's out a frustrated groan.

"I'm leaving." She storms off.

She stays true to her word. She stays up late, packing her and the kids things. Before she went to bed, her son, Harry, only five years old, crawls onto her bed. He stares at her with big green eyes as he clutches his blanky.

"Mummy?" He says adorably. Anne rubs her face before turning to stare at her adorable son in awe.

"Yes love?"

"Where are we going?" Anne falls silent, before finally saying,

"To a better place."

And Harry believed her.


I guess I didn't realise I was crying. And actually, I don't even think that's possible, since I'm kind of passed out. But this has all been too much. Again though, I'm pulled into another flashback.

A.N. Please vote and comment, thanks. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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