Chapter 29

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"Nancy's gone and I think we're prepared." Julie says as she looks around at all of us. Angela and I exchange knowing looks. This is it. This is what we've prepared for. We're going to fight for our rights. We're going to save our kind. And we're going to get Evelyn back.



I slowly open my eyes. I come face to face with bright sunshine. I sit up and slip out of bed. My bare feet patter against the tile of the floor until I step on my warm fuzzy rug.

I pull the curtains of my window aside and come face to face with a beautiful view. The sun is glistening on the Big Ben. I can see a few red telephone booths near by. Brits hustle around with their families and friends. Everyone is laughing and talking. No one is running for their life.

A sigh escapes my mouth and I sink down on the window bench. I slide the window open and poke my head out. The sun warms my face but the breeze is chilly. To me it's perfect.

After a while, I close the window and get up. I slip on slippers and a robe and shuffle down the stairs.

Harry is making breakfast and Louis is sitting at the table sipping coffee and reading a newspaper. He smiles as I walk in.

"Good morning, Evelyn. Have a seat. Harry is making breakfast." I smile and sit down at the table. Harry turns around.

"Bacon and eggs." He says with a cheeky grin.

"Yum." I say and Harry chuckles and faces the steaming bacon and eggs again.

I glance into the living room and see Zayn watching TV. Where's Liam?

"Liam went grocery shopping." Harry says as he scrambles the eggs.

"Why are you reading my mind? It's not fair." I huff. Harry smirks and shrugs.

"Well of course I would want to know what's on such a beautiful girl's mind." He winks. I blush.

"Whatever." I huff, embarrassed. Harry turns around with a smile on his face.

"So what do you want to do today?" I think for a moment.

"Can we go shopping?" Harry groans. "Please?" I pout. I stick my bottom lip out and bat my lashes innocently. Harry sighs.

"Oh fine."

"Yay! Thank you!" I squeal.

"On only one condition." Harry says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"We need to find you a job. Soon, all of us will be getting back to a normal routine. You need a job to keep busy." Harry explains. I sigh.

"Ok fine." Harry smiles.

"Good. Then we'll look today."

A.N. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading. :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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