Chapter 3

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I freeze. Inside of me, my blood runs cold and chills break out all over my body. I can't move, I can't think. All I can do is stand here like a statue.

"Love?" The voice says a little bit softer. It's a male, and the accent is deep and husky, but still British. I spin around to face something I wasn't expecting. A freaking gorgeous man, about 19. Inside of me, I'm screaming at myself. Trying to kick the thoughts away, because he's a Brit and a human will never be with a Brit. And I don't ever want to be with a Brit. I hate them. "Can you speak?" The man asks. He has brown curls, green eyes, and very pale skin. The skin and accent give it away that he's a Brit.

"I....I...." I can't really seem to make out a sentence. All of sudden the man is in front of me. I open my mouth to scream, but he clamps his cold hand over my mouth to prevent me from making any sound.

"Shhh. I'm gonna need to ask you a few questions, ok? But I need you to promise me you won't scream when I remove my hand, alright?" I slowly nod my head. I have no choice. He pulls his hand away and I stay quiet. "What's your name babe?" I feel myself flush. Why do I have to speak to this monster? I've never spoken to a Brit before, in my entire life. I don't plan on doing it now. So of course I stay silent. "Ahhh, gonna keep shut, aren't you? I wouldn't if I were you. I'm not afraid to hurt you if you don't do what I say." His voice is hard and cold. I shiver. But still don't say anything.

He then shoves me against the wall and I let out a small scream. He slams me into the wall and I fall down, my head hitting the concrete floor of the market. My head spins, and my body fights to stay conscious. He raises his hand. Oh gosh, is he gonna slap me now too? I cringe back into the corner.

"No!" I squeak. I hide my face in my knees so he can't slap my face. It's silent for a good few minutes. Then I'm lifted up from the ground and pushed against the wall again.

"I'm gonna ask you again. What's your name?"

"E-Evelyn!" I sob. I've never felt so helpless in my life before. And I don't think I've ever hated Brits as much as I do now.

"Beautiful name." He murmurs softly.

"Please let me go!" I cry.

"I'm sorry Evelyn, but I can't do that. Rules are rules."

"No!" I sob. "No! Let me go!" I struggle to get free from him, but it's no use. He's so much more stronger than me. I finally give up, feeling useless. "Please." I whimper. "I-I'm scared." Tears stream down my cheeks. He gently brushes them away with his thumbs, causing me to cringe.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you unless you make me mad." The words cause my heartbeat to increase. "I have a few other questions for you. I suggest you answer them." I shiver. "How old are you?" Why would he need to know?

"S-seventeen." I stammer.

"Young." He mumbles. He seems to be talking to himself, but I still hear. "Are there other humans? If so, where are they?"

"There are none. I-I'm the only one l-left." I lie. He seems to notice.

"Liar." He growls. "I would tell the truth if I were you, if you wanna live, that is." I shudder at the thought of him killing me, but don't answer. He shakes me roughly. "Tell me!" He shouts. I start to cry harder.

"Yes." I sob. "T-That way!" I point in the direction. "T-The cottage." I cry harder. I don't want my family getting caught! Why had I been so stupid?

"Shhh, don't cry, everything will be ok." He says gently.

"Please don't turn them in! Th-They're all that's left!" I sob. "They're all I  have left." I add softly. Tears pour down my cheeks.

"Look, I don't know. Like I said, rules are rules..." My skin pales. Oh no. He's gonna turn them in. I know it. I clutch my stomach. His eyes widen and then scan the area. He finds a bucket and he shoves it under me. I get sick into it, and the man gently pulls my hair back. "I'm sorry." He whispers. When I'm done, I wipe my mouth and look up at him with watery eyes. He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I won't for now, but I can't make any promises, alright?" Some relief washes through me. "Now, we need to start going. My name is Harry, by the way." He takes my hand. I try to pull back, but he's too strong.

"Where are you taking me?" I whisper fearfully. He smiles.

"No worries, I'm just taking you to my side." My stomach drops. Oh no.

He's taking me to the Brits' side.

A.N. Two updates in one night, your welcome. :) Please vote and comment! I love you all so much and thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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