Chapter 25

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"Thanks for taking care of me." It's been weeks since the strawberry incident, and Harry has been taking good care of me. I haven't told him about the visions yet. I'm too scared as to how he will react.

I also haven't talked to Con much. The thoughts are all swirling in my head. How I'm on the Brits' side now. It's not their fault. That's what I've been thinking these last days.

And yet I still feel confused, like there's more to the story. I mean, what about Louis' parents? Zayn's? Liam's? What happened to them? My mind is telling me it's flashback time, which has been happening a lot to me. But I haven't even lived these moments. This is all too confusing, but soon I'm brought back into another flashback.


"Right now, we fight. We don't lose. Do you understand?" Little Louis puffs out his chest and straightens up. He's been in this "military" training camp since his parents sent him there a year ago. They didn't want him to get hurt when the war came, so they sent him here.

Louis has made a few friends since he got here. There names are Zayn, Liam, and Misty. They've all been great friends since they first met.

Louis was new to the camp when he got there, but the rest were used to it. His three best friends showed him how to survive there. And he pretty much grew used to it. They slept in bunks in two separate rooms. One for the girls and one for the boys. Louis was luck that Zayn and Liam's bunks were right near his. Poor Misty didn't know anyone out of the girls. But trust me, that girl was a tough nut to crack.

"Do you think you can beat me?" Was what Misty said, the second day of Louis' arrival a year ago. They were doing fighting, and Louis got Marie's with Misty.

Louis straightens up at the beautiful girl. A small smile plays other lips as she stares back at him. She has long read hair and bright blue eyes.

"Of course I do." Louis said with confidence. Misty puts a hand on her hip and rolls her eyes.

"Oh really mister tough? We'll see about that. How about this, if I win, you owe me a soda."

"Ok...." Louis says. "But if I win, you owe me" Misty raises her eyebrows.

"A what?" Louis smirks.

"A kiss."

Louis never got that kiss. And before he knew it, it was too late anyways.


I wipe the tears away from my cheeks. Poor Louis. He lost the girl he loved. Why does our world have to be this way? Why is society so cruel to itself? I bury my face in Harry's pillow. I just want to disappear. I want everything to be ok. But sadly, I won't be getting my wish anytime soon. Because these visions of war must be telling me something.

A.N. Please vote and comment. Just saw The Fifth Wave. AmaZAYN honestly. Thanks for reading! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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