Chapter 5

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I don't know how long we've been driving. Harry said earlier that we were going to London, where he lives. I don't want to go obviously, but I have no choice. Anyways, I'm starting to get really tired, and it's getting late out too. Harry reaches over and takes my hand. I'm not sure how to react. I want to pull away, but I can't find the guts to do it.

"We're almost there. You can rest if you'd like." Harry glances at me with a smile. I don't return it. Instead, I close my eyes and lean back in my seat. But as tired as I am, I don't actually fall asleep. I can't. Not with Harry so close to me. I'm too scared, nervous, and upset.

After a while, though, my tiredness takes over, and I soon fall asleep.


"Evelyn! Evelyn, we're here. Wake up, love." My eyes slowly open. Cold hands are shaking me awake. I expect to see Nancy hovering over me, like I do almost every morning, but instead I'm face to face with Harry. I flinch. He sighs.

"Come on, we're here." He scoops me up. I struggle to get out if his grip. I hate it when he touches me. He finally puts me down, but wraps his arm around me. I sink down in defeat. "Hey, don't worry. You'll like it here. It's beautiful." He says with a kind smile. Yeah, and full of creeps.

We walk up a long driveway, and come face to face with a giant castle looking house. On the inside, I'm gawking, but on the outside, I have a blank expression on my face. Harry rests his hand in my back, lightly rubbing it. Seriously! Why does he keep touching me?!

"Come on, follow me." I slowly follow him into the castle. He pauses and faces me with a nervous look on his face. I stop. "I need to warn you about something..." He trails off. My heart starts pounding.

"I just wanted to let you know, that you won't be living long. In fact, I'm planning on killing you. Right now."

That's what I think he's gonna say. Be he doesn't say that. Instead, he says,

"I live with a lot of friends, so don't be surprise when you see that there's a lot of us here. That's why this is a pretty big house. A few of us live here." I gulp. He seems to notice my nervousness, because he pulls me into a hug, causing me to go stiff. "I'm sorry, Evelyn. But you'll be fine, alright? I'll protect you. Just stand by me at all times, ok?" I guess I didn't realise that I'm crying. Tears stream freely down my cheeks. I sniffle and try to wipe them away, but more keeping coming no matter how hard I try.

"Ok." I whisper so softly that I don't even think he heard me, for only a second though. Because of course he can hear me, he's supernatural and probably has advance hearing abilities. He smiles again.

"Great. Now come on and I'll show you to your room." I start to silently cry again at the words "your room". He rubs my back again. I start to tremble a little as he takes me up a flight of stairs. We walk down a long hallway, and then someone comes rushing towards us. I flinch and hide behind Harry. Harry chuckles as a body flings himself at him.

"Harry you're home!" A British male voice chirps. Harry laughs again.

"Yes, and I brought a guest. She's going to be a new member of the British society." Harry turns around to me. "She's a little shy." He says with a laugh. "Louis, this is Evelyn. Evelyn, this is Louis." The boy peeks at me curiously. Not much of a boy, actually. He has a slight beard. Maybe he's about 19 or 20. He has brown hair and bright blue eyes. His skin is as pale as Harry's.

"Hi Evelyn." Louis says gently. He reaches out to touch me but I flinch back. What is with the Brits and wanting to touch people? Louis looks hurt. Good.

"She needs time to adjust." Harry says. He pulls me into a small hug. I yank back, causing him to frown. "Well, I'm going to show her to her room. Wait for me downstairs, yeah?" Louis gives me a strange look before nodding his head.

"Uh huh." He walks off, leaving me confused and mad.

"Come on, Evelyn." I didn't realise that Harry was moving, whoops. I quickly rush to catch up with him. It's silent as we walk. I wonder how long this hallway is...

All of a sudden, Harry breaks the silence.

"You know, Louis is a nice guy. He would never hurt you unless he had to." I cringe at the last part. Harry gives my shoulders a gentle squeeze. "You have to get used to us, alright? This is your new home from now on." I shudder at the thought.

After a while, we get to a door. Harry unlocks it and opens it up. The room is big, so I'll quickly explain it to you.

There's a big walk in closet, and a big bathroom. Both are clean and neat. There big windows, and a balcony leading to a beautiful view of London. There's a big King bed, a normal dresser, a make up dresser with a mirror attached to it, two sofas around a rug and coffee table, a mini fridge in the corner, a desk with a chair and lamp, two nightstands-one on each side of the bed, two beanbags, two comfy chairs, a flat screen TV, a shelf with books, movies and CD's, and a few other things, like things I would need to live life.

"I'll be shopping for some clothes and things for you tomorrow." Harry informs me after a while of me staring at the room. "I hope you like it, I put a lot of time into this room, hoping one day I'll be able to put it to use." He blushes a little, although I don't know why. "I'll be right back with some clothes, just wait here." He vanishes, and soon reappears.

"This is just my clothes for now, until I can get you some of your own."

"Thanks." I mumble as I take the clothes from him. He smiles.

"No problem. You can change and go to bed if you like, or you can just watch TV until you're tired. If you need anything, I'll be downstairs. Plus my room is next door." He leaves the room, closing the door. I hear a click, and panic washes through me. I rush over to the door, and realise that it's locked. Great. And I can't go through the window or balcony because it's too high up and I'm petrified of heights.

I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower. I dry my hair and change into the clothes. I grab a brush from the drawer and sit down on the bed, brushing my long auburn coloured hair. I set the brush down on the nightstand and slip under the covers. I'm too tired to watch TV or do anything else. Plus, it's been so long since I've used a TV. Gosh, it's been so long since I've slept in the bed. Because of this fact, I fall asleep very easily.

A.N. Please vote and comment! I love you all so much, thanks for reading! Have a wonderful rest of your day! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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