Chapter 3

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When my alarm goes off the next morning, it is not at all welcome but I force myself out of bed and pull on some clothes. I walk downstairs and can't be bothered to make any breakfast so I just walk out the door and to school.

I walk into first lesson French and sit down in my sit next to PJ.

"Feeling better?" He asks, whilst doodling all over his book.

"A little bit thanks," I reply smiling at him. French passes as boring as ever and the second the bell rings me and PJ run out the classroom to go meet Chris because we all have a free period before History.

"Hey guys!" Chris calls as we walk in to the library, as we get closer to where he's sitting I notice he's not alone and when the person turns around I notice it's Phil. My Phil. I stop and stare for a second and Phil meets my eyes smiling. PJ nudges my arms and I walk forward and sit down opposite Chris and Phil and PJ sits down next to me.

"Hello Dan," Phil says laughing slightly at my expression.

"You go to our school? I've never seen you around before," I say politely.

"He's new," Chris informs me. "Just turned up in my French class," I turn back to Phil and smile.

"That's awesome," PJ says smiling.

"Yeah," I say quietly, my eyes still on Phil.

"So what school did you use to go to?" PJ asks.

"The private school just down the road," Phil responds slowly breaking eye contact with me to look at PJ.

"Why did you move?" Chris asks.

"I guess it just wasn't right for me," Phil says with a shrug.

"What lesson have you got next?" PJ asks.

"History," Phil says.

"So do we. Sit with us?" Chris asks. Phil looks back at me as he answers.

"Yeah, of course," and he smiles his beautiful smile.

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