Chapter 19

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1 new message - Phil Lester. I look down at my phone and smile.

I had fun tonight xx

Me too. :) xx

Sleep well Dan <3 xx

I smile and shut my phone. Phil really was amazing and it may have taken a while and some near death experiences but I was happy. And I also couldn't wait to tell PJ. I should probably mention it to my mum first though. I decide that can wait till the morning and I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and pushed myself out of bed and downstairs.

"Morning, Love," my mum said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning," I grumble switching the kettle on.

"Sleep well?" She asks as she pours milk over some lucky charms for me.

"Yeah. Um... Can we talk?" I ask as I take the kettle off its stand and pour it into a mug.

"Yeah," Mum says surprised and slightly confused. I smile at her and finish making my tea. I join her at the table and spoon some of the cereal into my mouth. "So what's up?" She asks and takes a sip of her tea.

"I... Well the thing is... I-" I start trying to figure out the best way to tell her.

"What's wrong?" She says. 

"I kind of have a...boyfriend," I say quietly. Mum is quiet for a minute and when I look up at her she isn't disgusted or upset. She just smiles.

"What's he like?" She asks and I smile.

"You remember Phil? My friend?" And she nods. "Well, he's sweet and funny and adorable and I really like him," I say.

"Sounds like he's lovely. When can I meet him?" She asks and I frown.

"You've already met him," I say.

"Not since being your boyfriend," she says.

"I don't know..." I say uncertainly.

"Invite him over. For dinner. I'll cook," she says quickly and she hops up and puts her mug in the dishwasher. "I'll go get some food. Does he like pasta? I only know how to cook pasta. Who doesn't like pasta?" She says as she pulls on a jumper.

"Yeah. He likes pasta," I say and pull out my phone.

Good morning. How do you feel about meeting my mum? Xx

Haven't I already met her? Or do you have two? Xx

That's what I said, and just the one. But she wants to 'meet' you anyway. Dinner? Xx

Sounds great. See you then. <3 xx

I smile and quickly finish my cereal and tidy it away just as mum arrives home.

"That was fast," I say.

"I forgot my money," she calls.

"You're crazy," I say laughing.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway see you later," and she's gone again. I laugh to myself as I sit down on the sofa and flick lifelessly through channels. Mum arrives back again about half an hour later and we mess about in the kitchen trying to figure out how you even cook pasta. "I give up," she says laughing, her hair messy with food on her cheek. "I can't cook. I really can't,"

"Mum it's only 12. We've got plenty of time before he arrives, there must be something you can cook," I say.

"Ugh. What time is he coming?" She asks tying her hair into a loose bun at the top of her head. It's one of the rare weekends when she doesn't have to work all the time and it's fun.

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