Chapter 20

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For once I don't mind when my evil alarm goes off in the morning because I'm actually excited to get out of bed so I can see Phil. I quickly get out of bed and get into the shower, get changed and straighten my hair before skipping down the stairs in a very un-masculine way. I switch the radio on and dance whilst pouring milk over my cereal and hum along as it sit and eat it. I tidy everything away, clean my teeth and do one last check in the mirror. Once I fix my fringe, grab my jacket, phone and keys, I walk out to my car and drive to Phil's.

I walk up to his door with a happy spring and decide it's probably best to tone down my excitement so I do just as I knock on the door.

"One second," I hear him call from behind the door. "Wher-oh. Ow. Ow. Ow. Shoot," I chuckle softly just as he opens the door. "Hey. Sorry," he sounds flustered. "I got up a bit late. And then I walked into a wall.

"You're such an idiot," I say laughing an he sticks his tongue out and grabs his jacket from a hook besides the door and follows me out the house locking it behind him.

"How are you this morning?" he says as we climb into my car.

"Good. How about you?" I ask.

"Also good,"

"Great," I say.

"Well, this conversation is riveting," Phil says sarcastically.

"Alright then what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

" vegetables. I feel they're interesting and also extremely underrated. Like why do we never talk about them? They deserve a bit more notice in my opinion. Carrots especially I mean with their cool powers to make you see in the dark? Why do we never talk about this? Society is messed up," he rants.

"I think you're messed up. You do know carrots don't actually make you see in the dark? And they're like the most boring food ever," I counter.

"Wait. What? Carrots don't make you see in the dark?! When did that happen?" He says incredulously.

"Wow. You still believe that?" I say laughing.

"Oh my god. So many years of my childhood spent eating so many carrots just so I could have super powers. I feel betrayed," he says sincerely.

"You're crazy," I say shaking my head and stopping the car outside school. "You ready?" I ask.

"Yep. Let's go," he says and grabs his school bag and gets out. I get out as well, lock the car and take Phil's hand. He smiles warmly up at me and we walk through the school gates.

I don't know what I expected when we got to school. Name-calling? Shouts? Rejection? But no one even seems to care. Phil and I were never exactly popular and never bullied nobody really cared about us and it looks like that hasn't really changed. I smile at Phil again and we walk off to find Chris and PJ.

Suddenly I hear running footsteps behind me but before I can turn around two arms are wrapped tightly round my chest.

"Danny!" PJ says loudly. "Philly!" 

"Kind of suffocating me here Peej," I say slowly.

"Oh sorry," he says and quickly let's go. "How are you?" He asks both of us as he falls into step beside us.

"Good," we answer at the same time.

"Ergh are you going to talk at the same time all the time now you're a couple?" He asks.

"No. Shut up PJ," I say.

"Have you told Chris?" He asks and I shake my head. "So I am your best friend!" He says loudly. "You told me first!"

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