Chapter 10

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Phil's face is so adorable in this photo. Eeeeeek. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

"Any sevens?" PJ asked hopefully.

"Go fish!" Chris yelled enthusiastically.

"Calm down!" I said laughing. And Chris just stuck his middle finger up at PJ. We're sat in the library during out free lesson and once again Chris and PJ are engaged in a fierce game of Go Fish.

"Take that!" He said and PJ just sighed but picked up a card anyway.

"Say eight," I heard a voice behind PJ and I say. I turned and saw Phil leaning over PJs shoulder looking at his cards.

"Hey!" Chris complained "don't help him," Phil laughed and came and sat down opposite me. I noticed his tongue stuck out slightly when he laughed. It was very cute.

"PJ needs all the help he can get," I said to Chris.

"I don't!! I'm quite good!" PJ defended.

"Whatever you say,"

"Any eights?" PJ asked anyway. Chris begrudgingly handed over his two eights and PJ did some kind of weird celebratory dance. I sighed. As Chris and PJ continued the intense game of Go Fish I turned to Phil.

I realised I was still looking at Phils mouth and he noticed me looking and raised his eyebrows at me so I quickly looked away blushing. I glanced a look back at him and saw that he was smirking.

"Do they always get this excited about Go Fish?" He said smiling.

"Ugh. All the time," I said rolling my eyes.

"I just wanted to say thank you. Again. For Friday night. Really," he said softly.

"Phil. It's fine. Stop apologising. That's what friends are for," I thought I saw Phil's face drop slightly at the word friend but I was probably just imagining it. I suddenly noticed Chris and PJ weren't being quite as enthusiastic as before and I'm pretty sure it was because they were listening in on our conversation but I didn't care all that much. Phil smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I win!" Chris declares and I pull my eyes away from Phil's to look back at their game.

"I can't believe it! I was doing so well!" PJ says sounding utterly disappointed.

"Don't worry, you'll get better one day," Chris says for a moment actually sounding encouraging before he sticks his tongue out and starts dancing as well.

"Do you two really feel the need to dance every time you win something?" I ask.

"Of course. It's fun Daniel. You should try it sometime, fun. I promise you'll like it," Chris says and I sigh at him. Phil's phone beeps and he quickly looks at it before announcing he has to leave.

"See you later," I say.

"Bye," Chris adds and Phil waves slightly quickly replying to a text on his phone. Who's he texting? Maybe the same person he was visiting on Friday. Probably. He probably has a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. It makes sense, who would like me?

"Stop pining. He'll be back soon," Chris says with a grin.

"I'm not pining," I say scowling at him.

"You're so pining," PJ says.

"Shut up PJ, at least I don't try to kill my friends," I retort.

"He didn't die!" PJ defends.

"He might've," I said.

"But he didn't," PJ says seemingly annoyed that I would accuse him of trying to kill someone. "I was doing it for you,"

"I want to date him. Not kill him," I say. "We can't go out if he's lying in a coffin, can we?" PJ rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Whatever, let's just go to Maths," PJ says and we gather up our stuff to leave.


"What even is algebra?" Chris complains. "Like...I just...ugh. This is so hard, PeeeeeJ? Will you help me pretty pretty please?" Chris says batting his eyelashes.

"Fine," PJ says rolling his eyes. "Which question are you on?"

"Number one,"

"Number one?" I ask loudly receiving dirty glances from the teacher. "We've been in class for 45 minutes. What have you even been doing?" I whisper.

" And talking. To myself. And you. And sharpening my pencil and rearranging my rubbers. And you know I didn't really have time to start the work yet," Chris says and PJ and I laugh before he starts helping him.

"What's wrong?" PJ asks noticing I haven't written anything or spoken for a while.

"Just thinking, I guess,"

"About what?" PJ asks. I shrug and try to focus on my work but my mind won't. Where was Phil? "Phil?" He guesses.

"Maybe," I say quietly.

"It's going to be okay. Don't worry, my plans will work,"

"Maybe that's what I'm worried about," and PJ smiles.

"What's actually worrying you?" He says almost reading my mind.

"He's being weird. Like secretive. He wouldn't tell me where he was Friday night. And all the phone calls? I'm just wondering,"

"Hmmm," PJ says thinking and before he could say anything the bell rang and PJ quickly jumped up and ran out the room. "I'll call you later," he says. And he's gone. I sigh and turn to Chris.

"Another crazy plan?" He questions.

"Yes," I groan.

"It'll be fine. I promise," Chris says as we collect our stuff and leave.

"You helped him last time!" I said accusingly.

"Yeah, I know. I kind of regret it but at the same time I really don't. Because I've always wanted to destroy someone's car, and it's helping you. So I can harm someone's car with a good intention. The opportunity was just too perfect," I sigh.

"You're really crazy," I mutter.

"But you love me for it, so what's the problem?" He says. And I sigh again this time louder and more dramatic.

So yeah thank you so so so so much for reading this. Love you all.

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