Chapter 24

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There was a knock at the door ten minutes later and i jumped up to go answer the door and was greeted by the pretty face of Jenny.

"Thanks so much for coming. I'm sorry I called but I just didn't know what to do," I said.

"I'm really glad you did call he's been refusing to answer all my calls and I had no idea where you lived, so I couldn't march over and demand that he speaks to me,"

"I wish he would," I mutter as she slips her shoes off.

"What do you mean?" She asks frowning slightly.

"He...he won't talk. He hasn't spoken since her funeral and I don't know what to do. He's gone. And I don't know how to get him back," I say as a single tear falls from my eye.

"It's okay. Don't worry," she says giving my hand a soft squeeze. "We'll get him back. He always comes back," and with that she marches into the living room. "Phillip Michael Lester, I am so not impressed with you," she exclaims loudly. Phil sits up and looked at Jenny with an expression of confusion and shock. "I would slap you but that's really harsh because your mother just died but seriously Hun you can not just shut me out like that," she says as she flops down on the sofa next to him. "I get you're sad. Of course you are but I'm your best friend. So get over here and give me a hug," she says opening her arms and allowing Phil to fall into them. "And maybe whilst you're at it talk to your boyfriend, because he cares about you a lot and wants to know you're going to be okay. Just let us help you be okay. Please," she mutters and Phil gives a really small nod.

"I'm sorry Dan," he whispers softly and I quickly sit down on the other side of him.

"You don't have to be sorry Baby," i say tucking part of his hair behind his ear as Jenny continues to hug him. "None of this was your fault. The worlds just being pretty shitty," Tears began to fall from his eyes again and I brushed them away softly.

"Don't cry sweetie. Listen, Dan and I will listen to you. What ever you need to say. We're here. We want to help you. Okay?" Jenny says releasing her grip on him.

"Okay," he echoed back softly and as he looked between me and Jenny I saw his first real smile of the last two weeks even if it was small.

"There you go sweetie," she says ruffling his hair. "I'm going to go make us some tea," and she gets up and walks into the kitchen. How she knows where the kitchen is I've no idea. I'm kind of sad that she was able to make Phil talk again and not me but they've known each other a lot longer I guess. I can't help but to like her she's bold and daring and brave and kind and cares about Phil so much. Phil leans into me and I wrap my arms around him.

"You'll be alright. I promise. On everything," I whisper.

"I know," he whispers back. "I've got you. So I'll be okay. It just might take a while to get there,"

"We have all the time in the world," I say and I lightly kiss the top of his head and he snuggles closer to me.

"I'm back!" Jenny announces a minute later as she walks back into the room now carrying a tray with three mugs of tea. "I don't even know if you like tea Dan but I made you one anyway," she says as she places the tray down and passes a mug to Phil and I.

"I'm British. Of course I like tea," I say as I take a sip of it. "Do you want to watch some more anime?" I ask Phil and he nods.

"Yes please," he adds after a second or two almost as if he needs to prove that he's going to talk now. Even if he's only happier by a tiny margin he's still getting there. I switch the programme back on and Phil snuggles closer to me and Jenny is spread out over the other sofa and I notice Phil allows himself a small smile before settling into the anime.

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