Chapter 26

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"So how's it been so far?" Chris asked as we were sat in the library during lunch. We'd found three sofas in the back corner, Phil and I were on one with his legs lying over my lap and Chris and PJ were sat on the other one.

"Good thanks. School is a good distraction. It hurt likes hell but I feel happier than I have in ages," Phil replied smiling at me and I grinned back.

"It seriously feels like I've known you for ages, not just a few months," PJ says.

"I get what you mean," Chris says.

"Definitely," I whisper looking straight at Phil. Chris gets out his biology homework and turned to PJ for help.

"You know the night we met?" Phil said.

"Yeah? Don't remember it great but yes," I replied.

"Well, I was supposed to go out with Jen that night but she had cancelled because she had a dance exam the next morning and I'd got a call from the doctor. About mum. And I was sad and I went out. I didn't know where to go so I went to the club. The loud music almost overpowered my thoughts and I liked that because just then I needed to forget and then you ran into me. And you looked so gorgeous. And I couldn't think straight. And I asked you to dance. And you said yes and I felt a small amount of hope. Something I hadn't felt in ages. I was falling out of love with Jenny. My mum was falling out of reality and my world was falling apart and then I kissed you and you brought me back to who I was. In truth I hadn't been going to school since mum has started getting worse, I'd only decided to go back after so much convincing from Jenny and when I saw Chris sitting in the classroom my heart filled with even more hope that I could see you again. You saved my world from falling apart Dan, thank you," he finished.

"Philip Lester, I...I'm kind of speechless. You're amazing. And so so beautiful," I whispered back before leaning forward to kiss him.

PJ coughed loudly and I laughed softly moving away from Phil who was blushing slightly.

"Excuse you," Chris said winking at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Shut up," I said smiling.

"Never," Chris said. "So who wants a game of go fish?" He offered.

"I'm in," PJ said excitedly. "I'm so going to beat you this time. I've been practising,"

"You're so weird," I said shaking my head. "But I'm in,"

"Yeah. Same, I'll beat all of you," Phil said.

"No. Way. You're going down," I said poking his side making him giggle.

"Don't. I'm ticklish," he said still giggling and squirming away from me. I smiled at him affectionately.

"Here are your cards," Chris said handing us our cards.

"I'm going first!" PJ said enthusiastically. "Any 2's?" He asked and I shook my head as Phil and Chris begrudgingly handed over their twos. "Yay!" PJ exclaimed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay my go now," Phil said. "Any fives?" He asks.

"Really?!" I said sighing and handing over my three fives.

"Still sure you going to win?" Phil said and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Any...queens?" I asked and they all shook their heads.

"Go fish," Phil said and I rolled my eyes as I picked up a card.

"Tens?" Chris asked and I sighed again and handed my two tens over.

"I've decided I don't like this game," I said and Phil laughed.

"Any fours?" PJ asked.

"Okay. Seriously. This is...just no. Ugh," I said and handed two fours to PJ.

"Yay yay yay!! I'm going to win!" PJ said smiling big widely and Phil leant his head on my shoulder.

I kissed his forehead and he smiled. Phil made me happy. And I think I made him happy. A few months ago I was content just being friends with Chris and PJ and then he came into my life and I'm so much happier now. He came out of nowhere and suddenly he means so much to me and I can't imagine living without him.

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