Chapter 23

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"Phil. Baby...please say something? Anything, please? I know you're hurting. I know that but please just say something?" I keep trying but it never works. He won't talk to me at all. He won't talk to anyone. He's not answering his phone. He's isolated himself completely. He looks back at me with blank eyes and my heart breaks. "I'm so sorry Philly," I say and I pull him closer to me and he rests his head on my chest as we continue re watching some anime. Phil falls asleep after a couple of episodes and I carefully move off the sofa grabbing Phil's phone as I go.

I quickly unlock it and scroll through his contacts until I find the right one. I type the number onto my phone and place Phil's phone back before pressing dial.

"Hiya. It's Dan. Phil's boyfriend. I don't know if you remember me," I speak quickly as soon as they answer. "I need help. He needs help. I don't really know what to do,"

Sorry this chapter and the last one were so short but yeah I just felt like it xxx

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