Chapter 12

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"That's what makes you beautiful!!" Chris sings loudly along with the radio and I groan.

"Please stop. My eardrums are about to explode," I complain.

"I'm pretty sure that's impossible," PJ says as Chris launches into the second verse.

"I'm pretty sure that pitch is impossible," I say massaging my temples.

We've been driving for about half an hour and we're well out of the centre of Manchester. I dropped a quick text to mum to tell her I was out with Chris and PJ and that she shouldn't make tea for me because I'll grab something on the way home. We'd followed Phil's car all the way down the road he broke down on and down more roads like it. I'd never really been around this area and I had no idea where we were going and neither did Chris or PJ. Every once in a while one of them would voice a theory or opinion on where Phil might be going, and it really didn't help with my sanity or my confidence as each was more crazy and yet strangely possible than the last.

"How far is this place?" I whine. "Can't we just abandon this and go get pizza?"

"Pizza sounds good," Chris agrees, stopping his singing only for he mention of food.

"No. Food later. We've got a mission,"

"You do know you're not FBI or CIA or anything alright? So calm down.  Okay? Thank you," I say without giving him anytime to respond.

"Look he's turning off!" PJ says excitedly as he indicates and follows Phil. We've been careful to stay just out of sight but at at a distance where we can still see where he's going. And even though I've been feeling guilty this entire time there is something exhilarating about following someone. It makes you feel like a spy. But's ridiculous.

"Where are we?" I ask looking out the window at the now talk rows of houses.

"I've no idea, I've never been in this area before," PJ answers and suddenly were in front of a huge, concrete building.


"Oh," I say quietly.

"Oh," PJ echoes even more quiet.

"He...I don't think...I..." I didn't try to complete the sentence. Was he visiting someone? Was he ill? What was happening? "We should leave," i say. PJ doesn't respond he seems to be in deep thought. Chris hits my shoulder.

"Oh come one. You want answers Danny, let's go get them,"

"Don't call me Danny!" I complain. "And we shouldn't. We're seriously invading Phils privacy. We're terrible friends,"

"Yeah well, PJ and I stalked you before we became friends with you. Didn't we PJ?" Chris says enthusiastically and I gawk at him.

"We said we weren't going to talk about that," PJ says in a hushed tone.

"You actually did that?" I ask incredulously.

"Well...yeah," PJ says uncertainly. "It was one time okay? And it...we were... Whatever. Are we going in or not?"

"Of course we are!" Chris answers. I hesitate. I did want to know but it felt so wrong.

"What the heck. Let's do it," I say decisively and we all jump out the car. "What if he catches us?" I ask.

"Then pretend you have bladder problems," Chris answers.

"Why do I have to have bladder problems? You can have the bladder problems," I reply.

"I don't want bladder pro-" Chris begins.

"Both of you shut up," PJ says smiling. "Let's just get inside. Make sure you can see Phil but don't let him see us then there's no need for any bladder problems okay?" PJ says.

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