Chapter 37

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Phil's POV

Everything was a blur after he fell. Next thing I know I'm sat in an ambulance holding Dans hand with PJ and Chris following behind in his car. He hasn't woken up. The doctors are connecting him to wires and breathing machines. They gave me a blanket 'for the shock' they keep asking me questions and I numbly reply. Why hasn't he woken up? Of course something had to mess up the perfect. Of our relationship. Our happiness. My life right now. It was perfect. And now I'm shaking holding my boyfriends hand in the back of an ambulance. He really needs to wake up. It's been so long why isn't he awake?

The doctors ask for his parents and I shakily take out my phone to ring his mum. Why didn't it occur to me already?

"Phil? Are you alright sweetie?" Julie says when she answers.

"I...I...Dan...he," my voice was shaking badly. The paramedic next to me holds their hand out and I hand them the phone and they explain everything to her. I was glad I don't have to. I couldn't face her reaction even though it wasn't my fault I felt like I could've done something to help him. "Please don't leave me baby," I whisper and hold his hand tighter.

When we arrive at the hospital they rush him away and tell us to wait in the reception. Chris and PJ collapse into chairs. PJ is crying and Chris looks so dejected and tired and so so sad. They both look so upset. I want to comfort them. To share the worry and pain but I can't. I cant move. I just remain stood in the waiting room staring after the paramedics.

I finally let the tears come falling quickly down my cheeks, shaking sobs escaping me and I slide down the wall placing my head in my knees.

I pull my phone out and click on my contacts and click on Jenny's name.

"Hiya sweetie, you okay? I thought you were away with your friends?" She says when she answers. I can't get words out to explain everything, just sobs. "Phil? Where are you? What's happened?" She says worriedly.

"Dan...he..." I splutter.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you? Because if he did I'll kill him," she says quickly.

"No no no, no...he just...he," I trail off "I'm at Will you come?" I ask sniffling.

"Of course sweetie. I'll be right there," she says and I disconnect the call and lean my head back against the wall. What do I do know? I need Dan. I don't think I can live without him.

Chris and PJ haven't tried talking to me. They haven't tried talking to each other. I haven't tried either. Just sat with my head in my hands on the floor. Julie turns up, rushes to the reception desk, receives some instructions and rushes off. She doesn't even notice us. Half an hour later Jenny turns up. She looks around for a minute and spots me and dashes over.

"Phil," she whispers softly sinking to the ground next to me her eyes full of sorrow and pity. She wraps her arms around me and I lean into her. She doesn't ask me questions, she just holds me. Holds me and lets me sob into her.

A doctor comes into the waiting room and walks towards Chris and PJ. I jump up and run towards him wiping my eyes with Jenny just behind me.

"You're Daniels friends right?" The Doctor asks and I nod vigorously.

"Is he okay? Is he going to be okay?" I ask quickly.

"He's still unconscious. His mother is sitting with him now. He won't be allowed any non family visits for today. Maybe come back tomorrow," he says and my shoulders sink.

"He will...wake up though?" I ask uncertainly.

"I'm so sorry but we don't know. He has a very serious head injury, he might be able to hear you but rally with these types of injuries everything is uncertain but we can only keep monitoring him and hoping for the best. It could be a couple of hours, it could be weeks, it could be never. I'm very sorry," he says placing a reassuring hand on my arm and walking away. Oh God. He might not wake up? Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

"Phil-" PJ starts but I ignore him and just run. Straight out the hospital. Out the car park, down the road. I don't even know where I'm going, just running. When I can't run anymore I sink down onto the pavement and hold my knees up to my chin and cry.

The others are probably looking for me but I don't care. I needed to just get away. First I lost mum, I can't lose Dan as well. I can't.

Just a couple of chapters left (maybe slightly more. Idk but I know it's ending soon) xxx

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